Reichste Land Der Welt Katar, Partnerhoroskop Berechnen, Grenzkontrolle Füssen/reutte Aktuell, Erling Haaland Monaco, Gewürzsalze Thermomix, Joker Thomas Wayne Schauspieler, Wo Wird Meine Mutter Im Siebten Himmel Gedreht, Strava 2 Touren Zusammenfügen, Julia Von Pufendorf Heino Ferch, Autowaschanlage Kassel, Eine Erkenntnis Ziehen, " />

According to Gingerliness’ Twitch overlay, she has around 1,930 subscribers and generally attracts over 1,000 viewers. When you are at higher positions than other broadcasters, you are more visible for guests from our website. Twitch is actively expanding its presence in different countries and regions, with the Hispanic segment of the platform having an especially active growth – now being one of the most popular languages of the service. With our website, you can gain more REAL viewers and channel followers for free. The streamers on Twitch play every video game created, including the Women of Twitch as well. Twitch-Logo. Im Jahr 2021 hat sich Indiefoxx zu einer großen Streamerin, mit mehr als 2 Millionen Followern auf auf ihrem Twitch-Kanal, entwickelt. Top 10 Viewed Twitch Streamers. Kaum hatte sich Amazon eingeschaltet, wurde die Branche wach und die CEOs der Tech-Industrie fragten einstimmig: Was ist Twitch eigentlich? Zur Navigation springen Zur Suche springen. Breakdown of top 100 Spanish Twitch streamers in Q1 2021 (January-March 2021). Kto jest najpopularniejszym streamerem w Polsce? These ingests endpoints are selected for you based on the optimal network paths detected from Twitch to your device. Alexey Borisov • Jul 28, 2021 • 6 min read Share: Loading. Partner. Vote. People can watch, interact and enjoy the live streams. Grand Theft Auto V. 148,359,187. viewer hours. Copy link. And, it is really easy to start both for you and your audience … Deutsche Streamer werden populärer. Last updated Tue, Jul 20 at 19:49. This ban was reportedly for streaming the Olympics: Felix “xQc” Lengyel, a Twitch streamer, got unbanned from the platform after facing a temp ban due to DMCA Strike for unlawfully streaming the Olympics on his channel. Check out their featured videos for other Ranked clips and highlights. Partner. Twitch will show you the most viewed game, instead, we work out the ratio of broadcasters to viewers and find out what has the highest ratio. YouTube; Instagram; TikTok; Twitch; YouTube Channel Rank. Just Chatting, Fortnite, Counter-Strike, League of Legends und vielen mehr an. When you are at higher positions than other broadcasters, you are more visible for guests from our website. Liste der meistgefolgten Twitch-Kanäle. Streaming is fun and games, but it’s also hard work. Twitch Profile 4.4 million+ followers *Dr DisRespect was permanently banned from Twitch on June 26, 2020. Die beliebtesten Twitch-Streamer Deutschlands 2017. Ranked by the total viewership hours (hours live x average viewers) in the last 30 days. Seen an hour ago. Dez. Wir haben die Top 10 Twitch-Emotes aller Zeiten für euch aufgelistet und erklären, was Kappa, Pogchamp oder TriHard und Co eigentlich genau bedeuten. sebga went live on Twitch. Erzähle was über Dich! Heute präsentieren wir dir lediglich die Top 10 Twitch Streamer mit den meisten Followern. Top 10 Followed Twitch Streamers. Like many of the top streamers, TimTheTatman is best known for playing "Fortnite," but he … As most of the time, popular games are over saturated with broadcasters vs people watching. Turner “TFue” Tenney. Ninja. - Rank 10k+ !server !matchup !gilde - ArenaNet Partner [Stream 125] 3:28:14. Partner. Alles serviert mit einer großen Portion Gelassenheit und einer Prise Variety. Der Twitch-Clip mit den meisten Aufrufen. Ranked by the average concurrent viewers while live over the past 15 streams. Viel Spaß! Vote. He occasionally competes with other streamers including JoeWo and Tommey. Die höchsten Zuschauerzahlen von Streams aller Zeiten. 2017, 09:00 Uhr 4 min Lesezeit Kommentare 3. To add your channel to our rankings just click button "Connect with Twitch". The Most Followed Twitch Streamers, July 2021. Twitch Follow. GAME’s Gaming Twitch Streamer Report 2021 looked past base metrics and created a wider algorithm to measure success and popularity, ranking Twitch streamers … I’ll be playing some rank at first and then casual with viewers. Twitch hat am Dienstag die Hot-Tub-Streams ins Visier genommen. Shopping. EN Grand Theft Auto V Seen Wed, Jul … Watch live streams and the best highlights across Twitch categories like Just Chatting, Fortnite, Counter-Strike, League of Legends, and more. TopStreamers account will be created automatically. Watch and chat now with millions of other fans from around the world Aktuell ist MontanaBlack bereits auf Platz 34 (3,94 Millionen Follower) und Maximilian Alexander Curt “Trymacs” Semmler auf Platz 71 mit beachtlichen … Twitch results in Q2 2021: most popular games and streamers. The Most Watched Twitch Streamers, July 2021. Most Viewed … Top 10 most followed Twitch streamers Featuring Pokimane, Ninja, Shroud, Tfue, Grefg, xQc, and more: Twitch is one of the world’s largest gaming streaming platforms. Tfue. Twitch und seine Live-Streams können direkt im Browser (Safari, Chrome, Firefox und Co.) des Computers unter der Webadresse angesehen werden. To add your channel to our rankings just click button "Connect with Twitch". Diese Liste der meistgefolgten Twitch-Kanäle führt die 50 Kanäle mit den meisten Followern auf dem US-amerikanischen Live-Streaming-Videoportal Twitch. Created with Highcharts 9.1.2. Allein dank der Twitch-Hot-Tub-Meta konnte sie ihre Followerzahl bereits verdoppeln und nutzt nun die aktuelle ASMR-Meta, um auf sich aufmerksam zu machen. Topstreamers is the most popular ranking of game streamers. Artikel: Twitch - Die erfolgreichsten Streamer der Welt. Most Viewed … Most Watched Fastest Growing Highest Peak Viewership Most Popular Most Followed #1. You're signed out. Using a Twitch ranking tracker, we can analyse a streamer’s views, average watch time and other pieces of data to help us decide who is the most popular on the platform. Ich bin ein Schach-Streamer aus Köln, der als Wiedereinsteiger an alte Zeiten anknüpfen möchte. Best Twitch players - League of Legends. Niknam, 30, is a top streamer on Twitch, where he’s better known as Trainwrecks to his 1.5 million followers. Please consider adding to your adblock whitelist. The most popular streamers benefit from playing the most popular games as well. 5) NickcKelly. Imane Anys streams a variety of games. Ibai: 1,502,295. When you are at higher positions than other broadcasters, you are more visible for guests from our website. Jump to FAQ Published: 05/24/2021 People already liked watching you drawing and guessing - but with our new Twitch chat integration, viewers now can play with you! Esports hours consists of content from professionally organized esports competitions and does not include individual (pro-player) streams. Team Rankings. Daria Belous • Jun 02, 2021 • 4 min read Share: Loading. Please consider adding to your adblock whitelist. Bereits 2015 zog Platzhirsch YouTube mit einer eigenen Gaming-Plattform nach … Unique streamers daily. Nindo Um Nindo für Sie optimal zu gestalten (z.B. This top Twitch streamer posts videos of multiple games, such as Fortnite, Counter-Strike, and Ring of Elysium, but is more popular for videos on Call of Duty: Black Ops 4. Tap to unmute. Ranking and casual apex legends stream. To add your channel to our rankings just click button "Connect with Twitch". Discord. Liste. 1 / 22. Liste. #1. At the same time, viewers spent 15% more hours watching GTA V streams in June than League of Legends (top 3 category in June). #2. With our website, you can gain more REAL viewers and channel followers for free. Sports. Top 100 Subscribed YouTubers; Top 100 Growth YouTubers; Top 100 Avg.Views YouTubers; Top 100 NoxScore YouTubers; Top 100 Unsubscribed YouTubers; Top 100 Sorted by Monthly Views; YouTube Video Rank . Partner. zur interessengerechten Anzeige von Socialmedia-Postings und Profilbildern), werden Cookies verwendet oder technisch notwendig die IP-Adresse mit der jeweiligen Plattform ausgetauscht. Most Watched Fastest Growing Highest Peak Viewership Most Popular Most Followed. Top 10 Female eSports Streamers; Top 10 Women … Most Watched Fastest Growing Highest Peak Viewership Most Popular Most Followed. Pets & Animals. Current Active Subs Paid #9 Gaules 32,379 ? #10 1 auronplay 29,254 13,635 #11 1 CriticalRole 28,347 12,857 #12 3 Philza 24,329 ? 16 more rows ... Tfue. She’s a very dedicated streamer and logs in anywhere between 60-80 hours per week for her 570,000 followers. In July 2021, YaraskyGaming was the most-followed Twitch streamer who originated from the Netherlands. TopStreamers account will be created automatically. Twitch-Rekorde! TopStreamers account will be created automatically. In the second quarter of 2021, Twitch trends completely changed, which directly affected the ranking of the most popular Twitch female streamers. Top 50 Twitch Users Top 100 Twitch Users Top 250 Twitch Users Top 500 Twitch Users Top 1000 Twitch Users Top 5000 Twitch Users Hello, visitor! Last updated Tue, Jul 20 at 19:49. Während allein schon auf Grund der Sprachbarriere keine deutschen Twitch-Streamer in den Top 10 Twitch Streamern auftauchen, so sammeln auch die beliebtesten Deutschen immer weiter Follower an. Top 100 Subscribed YouTubers; Top 100 Growth YouTubers; Top 100 Avg.Views YouTubers; Top 100 NoxScore YouTubers; Top 100 Unsubscribed YouTubers; Top 100 Sorted by Monthly Views; YouTube Video Rank . Just Chatting. Source: Video length. The Most Popular Deutsch Twitch Streamers, July 2021. 1. DLive. These five streamers were overcome with emotion on stream. Data source: Social Blade. The Most Popular Twitch Streamers, July 2021. Liste der meistgefolgten Twitch-Kanäle. Twitch-Logo. League of Legends lost 15% HW, and its Peak Viewers decreased x2 compared to May. A new report from Streams Charts will tell you about the top 10 female Twitch streamers of the platform in the … Under the moniker of ItsHAFU, she’s conquered the League of Legends, World of Warcraft, and Hearthstone worlds. Giveaway: Gems und C-Chest - Burn-Meme-Guard - Stellt gern Fragen! Live Streams List. He is usually active for 60-70 hours each week and, hence, is one of the top Twitch streamers. 1,300,942. SebGa. Das ist ein Thema für ein anderes Mal. Most Watched Fastest Growing Highest Peak Viewership Most Popular Most Followed. What is the Best Twitch Streaming Software in 2021? He primarily does GTA 5 streams… Die höchsten Zuschauerzahlen von Streams aller Zeiten. Zur Navigation springen Zur Suche springen. The following table lists the 50 most-followed channels on Twitch as of July 27, 2021, with each total rounded down to the nearest hundred thousand followers, as well as the primary activity(ies) and if the streamer is streaming on the platform or not.. A dagger indicates a channel is no longer active on the platform. Just because a game is popular doesn't mean its the best to stream. To add your channel to our rankings just click button "Connect with Twitch". Hailing from England, the famous Brit plays a variety of games, in particular, “World of Warcraft.” She also describes herself as a self-taught makeup artist and is currently dating another gamer, Methodsco. Tim the Tatman — 4.04 million followers. Twitch Subs Count & Stats. Ranked by the total viewership hours (hours live x average viewers) in the last 30 days. Drawize Stream - Twitch integrated game to play with your audience Just connect your Twitch account and start playing with your audience through the chat . News & Politics. Most Watched Fastest Growing Highest Peak Viewership Most Popular Most Followed. Partner. ItsHAFU. Most popular Spanish Twitch streamers in Q1. Most Watched Fastest Growing Highest Peak Viewership Most Popular Most Followed #1. xQcOW . When you are at higher positions than other broadcasters, you are more visible for guests from our website. Rubius Rang Kanal Follower Land Kanal-Link 1. Live esports tournaments are also streamed on Twitch due to their huge user base and popularity. Twitch is the world’s leading live streaming platform for gamers and the things we love. Two scores are determined for each summoner/champion/role (one for the current season, one for the past 30 days). This is a list of channels with the most subscribers ranked by the number of subscriptions made from May 25th till today. He then received Twitch partnership in March 2021 and by May that year, he decided to put college on hold for a year to see whether he could make streaming work out as a career. Streamer aus den USA sind noch immer im Ranking der höchsten Zuschauerzahlen auf Twitch häufig zu finden, aber auch nicht englischsprachige Streams wachsen rasant auf Twitch. Created with Highcharts 9.1.2. A streamer who calls himself Superintendent Conway, Reborn Live is a popular Twitch streamer with 609,000 followers. auronplay, ibai, TheGrefg, Rubius, juansguarnizo, Jelty, elded, FolagorLives, Alexby11, IlloJuan. Most Watched Fastest Growing Highest Peak Viewership Most Popular Most Followed. Hello, visitor! Most-followed active accounts on Twitch, millions. Just Chatting. Pause (space/k) Mute (m) Volume. Sieh dir Live-Streams und die besten Highlights aus allen Twitch-Kategorien wie z. He got temporarily banned on Twitch while streaming on 28th July 2021. Ninja: 16,77 Mio. Most Watched Fastest Growing Highest Peak Viewership Most Popular Most Followed #1. xQcOW . Twitch Top Streamers. EN Final Fantasy XI Online Seen Tue, Jul 27 at 22:50. The second quarter has come to an end, and it is time to summarize the results of the platform’s last three months. If playback doesn't begin shortly, try restarting your device. Introducing… the Twitch Affiliate Program. This is a list of channels with the most subscribers ranked by the number of subscriptions made from May 1st till today. The list is updated once a day, although for some live channels the numbers are updated once an hour. Visit channel's profile page for the detailed subscribers statistics and counts. In May, the category was influenced by MSI 2021. 1v1 Global Rankings for Brawlhalla. Diese Liste der meistgefolgten Twitch-Kanäle führt die 50 Kanäle mit den meisten Followern auf dem US-amerikanischen Live-Streaming-Videoportal Twitch. Twitch Top Charts. Games Rankings Streamers. Ranking and casual apex legends stream. The list is updated once a day, although for some live channels the numbers are updated once an hour. Top 50 Twitch Users Top 100 Twitch Users Top 250 Twitch Users Top 500 Twitch Users Top 1000 Twitch Users Top 5000 Twitch Users Hello, visitor! Theatre Mode (alt+t) Fullscreen (f) Stream Chat. Streamlabs OBS – Best Streaming Software Overall 150,000+ affiliate streamers; 106 minutes spent daily on Twitch per user 25 % from 2012; 100+ MILLIONS unique viewers per month as of May 2017; 2016. Share. Close. With our website, you can gain more REAL viewers and channel followers for free. shroud. shroud. Heute zählt Twitch weltweit zu den Top 50 der gefragtesten Webseiten (derzeit Platz 35 nach dem Ranking von Alexa im März 2020). This means she should be receiving a base monthly income of $6,755 USD, excluding additional income from sponsorships, tiered subscriptions, merchandise sales, tips, Twitch cheer bit contributions, and advertisements. Ninja. Most Watched Fastest Growing Highest Peak Viewership Most Popular Most Followed #1. Und nein, Ninja ist nicht auf Platz 2 hinter TheGrefg. Top List. Last updated Tue, Jul 20 at 19:49. #1. LIVE. TheGrefg: 2,470,347. Twitch Affiliate Program. DE. aroyitt, Mayichi, IamCristinini, Staryuuki, biyin_, Gemita. Sie können Twitch aber auch als App auf dem PC oder Mac installieren sowie die Twitch-App für Smartphones und Tablets downloaden, die man bei Androidgeräten (Android) im Google-Playstore und bei Applegeräten im App-Store (iOS) … While streaming the least amount of all streamers in the top 10 (85 hours), AuronPlay's legion of fans come out in droves every time he flips the switch on Twitch, averaging 71,000 viewers. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Last month, many popular streamers stopped playing on RP servers, but the category still holds the second spot in the ranking. Tell me about your Twit… In dieser Liste sind sowohl aktive als auch inaktive Kanäle eingetragen. Info. Most Popular Spanish-speaking Twitch Streamers in Q2 2021. Rubius Rang Kanal Follower Land Kanal-Link 1. People & Blogs. Daria Belous • Jul 16, 2021 • 7 min read Share: Loading. May 2021 results on Twitch: the most popular streamers, categories and broadcasts . Topstreamers is the most popular ranking of game streamers. Visit channel's profile page for the detailed subscribers statistics and counts. Our ads support the development and upkeep of the site. Overall Rank is based on average concurrent viewers, followers, views and stream time for the last 30 days, July 2021 click the table header to sort by its values. Check it out who are the most subscribed Twitch streamers, this top list updated by day. Twitch gab am Mittwoch bekannt, ein Auge auf den Trend zu haben und gegen eindeutige Regelverstöße vorzugehen. 7 million monthly Twitch streamers, according to official stats ; These broadcast to 30 million daily Twitch visitors, says ... pokimane, in seventh place with 7.5 million followers is top-ranking female Twitch streamer, and the only woman to feature in the top-10. 29.04.2021 Von Anna-Janina Stoehr. Ranked by the average concurrent viewers while live over the past 15 streams week average. Posted by 5 minutes ago. How are players ranked? 62,767,200. Please consider adding to your adblock whitelist. 231,031,544. viewer hours. This ranking features the top games on Twitch by total hours watched and also includes the esports hours watched for each title. The following are our picks for the top ten streaming software in 2021 based on key features, ease of use, and price: 1. Rumay Wang is one of the most popular Twitch streamers. With our website, you can gain more REAL viewers and channel followers for free.

Reichste Land Der Welt Katar, Partnerhoroskop Berechnen, Grenzkontrolle Füssen/reutte Aktuell, Erling Haaland Monaco, Gewürzsalze Thermomix, Joker Thomas Wayne Schauspieler, Wo Wird Meine Mutter Im Siebten Himmel Gedreht, Strava 2 Touren Zusammenfügen, Julia Von Pufendorf Heino Ferch, Autowaschanlage Kassel, Eine Erkenntnis Ziehen,