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Flo12, 54 ans. He is pleased to hear of the brainwashed Green Lantern's success and ordered him to join the other Lanterns. 1 History 2 Powers and Abilities 2.1 Abilities 3 Paraphernalia 3.1 Equipment 3.2 Weapons 4 Notes 5 Recommended Reading 6 Related 6.1 Footnotes He was created by Brainiac himself. Meine Schwester Green Lantern Vs Brainiac Dating hat gesagt: suche dir einen . Bist du es? Thanks to a fake fight between the corps, Brainiac suggested releasing the prisoners. Copy link. Brainiac 5: No offence, but I really don't think you could follow the reasoning of a twelth level intellect such as my own. Dr. Destiny, Toyman & Firefly. When Brainiac 5 was using a Time Viewer to see the dawn of time, the Green Lantern Corps attacked him before he was rescued by the Legion of Super Heroes. Larfleeze had taken over the ship, and the Brainiac shown here was a drone of the villains who fell under Larfleeze’s grip until the Lantern Corps broke out and fought off both villains, freeing the planet. Einträge in der Kategorie „DC-Comics-Figur“ Folgende 85 Einträge sind in dieser Kategorie, von 85 insgesamt. After Brainiac's invasion has commenced, Batman asks Brother Eye to give it an update on Green Arrow, Black Canary, and Harley Quinn, however, Brother Eye responds that it cannot do that. Brainiac soon discovers Green Lantern and Wonder Woman who are returned to the present by Batman and have helped Cyborg and Supergirl finish off the last of Brainiac's drones. Green Lantern investigated, and Brainiac controlled his mind. Required: Green Lantern; 3. Um Ihnen Green Lantern Vs Brainiac Dating den bestmöglichen Service zu bieten, verwenden wir Cookies. DC Kenner Super Powers 1984 Lot Brainiac Aquaman Green Lantern Complete. Brainiac is an android coming from another planet. For decades, Brainiac had replicated the process of miniaturizing and bottling the greatest cities of every alien civilization he … Atrocitus: Atrocitus "The Guardians sent you?" Januar. 1280x959 Comics Superman. Share Share Tweet Email. Brainiac has been planned for multiple canceled Superman movies, including Tim Burton's Superman Lives and a Superman Returns sequel, so if a Superman movie isn't going to feature the cosmic Collector of Worlds then he would be a perfect threat for the Green Lantern Corps to face. Superman’s nemesis Lex Luthor may be the smartest criminal mind on Earth, but his intellect is no match for the alien artificial intelligence known as Brainiac. Green Lantern; Brainiac (formerly) Brainiac Minion (formerly) "The universe shall soon belong to Brainiac! One of the most recent GLC/SC/Brainiac interactions was, when Brainiac trapped both corps (Green & Sinestro) in a jar. Meine Schwester Green Lantern Vs Brainiac Dating hat gesagt: suche dir einen . Kaufen 9,99 €. John Stewart Green Lantern is a 2-star base, gold Arcane class hero whose shards and gear may be purchased with League Credits.Both shards & gear cost 100 credits per 5 shards or 1 gear piece. Green Arrow: Guess not(!) 2 293 1 0. By Amer Sawan Published Feb 26, 2021. Januar – Dienstag, 19. HD ausgewählt. Brainiac 5: Ludicrous, we've just met. Other Statistics. With Phil LaMarr, Vanessa Marshall, Khary Payton, Taliesin Jaffe. They patrol the farthest reaches of the DC Universe at the behest of the Guardians, a race of immortals residing on the planet Oa. Title Original Airdate 27 The Man Behind the Mask: September 5, 2019 28 Marissa: September 12, 2019 29 Laryn: September 19, 2019 30 Lurking in the Shadows Episode No. Required: Green Lantern; 3. In the comic strip story, Superman's foe was named Romado, who traveled the cosmos with a white alien monkey named Koko, shrinking major cities and keeping them in glass jars. 0. Impressed by the team, Brainiac 5 tried out and joined the Legion alongside Supergirl, and developed a crush on her. Years later, in yet another multipart Superman storyline ("Our Worlds at War") the space villain Brainiac 13 turns the planet Pluto into a new Warworld, but Superman, his powers incredibly boosted by diving into the sun, destroyed it. Kundenrezensionen. Divided We Fall: Directed by Joaquim Dos Santos. FOR SALE! "-Brainiac Superman's second line when entering the game. Because Green Lantern's the most powerful. Share. LEGO Brainiac-DC-Comics-Super - Heroes-Baukästen & -Sets. In 1984’s Green Lantern #182, Jordan quit as a Lantern and Stewart took his spot as the protector of Sector 2814. Green Lantern Blackest Night Red Laterne Logo einziehbare Spule Premium Metall Chrom Ausweishalter Clip. Durch die Nutzung unserer Website stimmen Sie der Verwendung von Cookies zu. When Brainiac 5 was using a Time Viewer to see the dawn of time, the Green Lantern Corps attacked him before he was rescued by the Legion of Super Heroes. Today, we look at the time that that Green Lantern Hal Jordan warned the Guardians of the Universe … Watch later. Military Constructs +10% Attack +10% Health +50% team's Hazard and Hazard DOT Damage; Required: John Stewart Green Lantern; Phase IV [] Brainiac no longer use his specials, but instead when he reaches maximum power he will use his supermove that will instantly annihilate your whole team. Brainiac 13 (or "B-13") is the 64th Century descendant of Brainiac. Injustice 2 Green Lantern. "-Brainiac Superman's third line when entering the game. Vamos con las noticias y rumores de esta semana, en un formato de "supervivencia" por las obras en mi casa. Batman and his allies work to restore the pieces of society following Superman's dictatorship, but a new threat to Earth may hinder their efforts. Comment. Green Lantern is sent to recruit Aquaman, who agrees to help after Brainiac attacks Atlantis. Mann. Gary Frank is one of comics' most acclaimed and respected artists, with work including Avengers, Batman, Birds of Prey, Midnight Nation, Supergirl, Squadron Supreme, Supreme Power and Uncanny X-Men. Green Lantern Vs Brainiac Dating, Partnersuche St. Pölten, Gutschein November 2021, Er Sucht Sie Tuttlingen If playback doesn't begin shortly, try restarting your device. SHAREfactory™ {5859dfec-026f-46ba-bea0-02bf43aa1a6f} Injustice 2. One of the most intelligent beings in the universe, the wicked Brainiac's genius has challenged Superman time and again. Hinweis schließen. Unlike his minifigure, who had no accessories in the promotion, Green Lantern wields a construct which takes the form of a morning-star weapon. The story begins with Kara Zor-El running from Brainiac's army on her home of Argo City on Krypton. Injustice™ 2!/en-gb/tid=CUSA05459_00 Brainiac is the primary antagonist responsible for the events leading up to the influx of Future Lex Luthor's exobytes upon the world's inhabitants. Catching the planet unaware, Brainiac manages to encase a large majority of Metropolis and Gotham City in energy fields in preparation for digitisation. Cyborg: Cyborg "Red Lanterns fascinate me." Relocating to the planet Oa at "the center of the universe", the Guardians dedicated themselves to combatting evil and creating an orderly universe. During this period they slowly evolved into their current appearance. A Green Lantern's only weakness is the yellow energy of fear, opposite to the green energy of will. Military Constructs +10% Attack +10% Health +50% team's Hazard and Hazard DOT Damage; Required: John Stewart Green Lantern; Phase IV [] Brainiac no longer use his specials, but instead when he reaches maximum power he will use his supermove that will instantly annihilate your whole team. He then gave his speech to the Justice League and our heroes declaring to collect worlds for himself. It passed on. Don't forget that he can also withstand attacks from Green Lantern. The strip's Kryptonian bottled city was named Dur-El-Va. He is still regarded as Brainiac's son and heir, as he has inherited his pater familias' high intelligence and extreme Machiavellian ethics. Fire, Blue Beetle & Booster Gold. Share Share Tweet Email. Just seven episodes in, the show has introduced three major Superman villains -Brainiac (Blake Ritson), General Zod ... Adam's mention of a power ring serves as confirmation that Green Lantern exists in Krypton's universe; power rings are what gives members of the Green Lantern Corps their powers. This throws the rings of Green Lantern Corps and the Sinestro Corps into chaos. Ja und nun suche ich einen, der mit Herz, Hirn und Humor ausgestattet ist. Green Lantern is Amazing on Brainiac's Ship: Tags: #PS4share. 1 History 1.1 Origin 1.2 Green Lantern Corps 1.3 Legion of Super-Heroes 1.4 Legion of Three Worlds 2 Powers and Abilities 2.1 Powers 2.2 Abilities 2.3 Strength 2.4 Weakness 3 Equipment 3.1 Weapons 4 Notes 5 Trivia 6 Links Rond was the son of Universo, an enemy of the Legion of Super-Heroes. There are 19,579 views in 47 videos for Injustice 2. 0. BRAINIAC VÀ QUÂN ĐOÀN GREEN LANTERN Brainiac là một mối hiểm họa mang tầm vóc vũ trụ, trong khi quân đoàn Green Lantern về cơ bản là lực lượng cảnh … With Phil LaMarr, Vanessa Marshall, Khary Payton, Taliesin Jaffe. 0 wins (0%) 0 (0%) 1 wins (100%) Brainiac Vril Dox Prime Earth: 210 K: Green Lantern Hal Jordan Prime Earth: 160 K: team class: 370 K: Darkseid Uxas Prime Earth: power stats. Brainiac later found its way to I'noxia, where Cyborg Superman had found a Kryptonian dying of Kryptonite poisoning. By Brian Cronin Published May 08, 2021. Injustice 2 Green Lantern Combos. Searching..... Brainiac & Green Lantern vs Darkseid. LEGO Green-Lantern-DC-Universe - Super-Heroes-Baukästen & -Sets. While White Lantern Kyle Rayner fights to restore Hal Jordan to the land of the living, the Green Lantern Corps led by John Stewart and a contingent of rebel Yellow Lanterns under the command of Sinestro's daughter Soranik Natu struggle to escape a planet miniaturized and imprisoned within Brainiac 2.0's bottled collection of worlds. Green Lantern: Green Lantern LEGO DC-Universe-DC-Universe - Super-Heroes-Baukästen & -Sets. 1m85. DC Comics confirmed that Jessica Cruz is of Mexican and Honduran … History. "For the sake of Brainiac, I will not fail! Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps » Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps #9 - Bottled Light Part 2: Brainiac. Origin. Green Lantern Vs Brainiac Dating, Site Rencontre Asia, Bekanntschaften Owl, Rencontres Rondes Avis. Brainiac est un personnage de fiction de DC Comics et un ennemi de Superman, créé par Otto Binder & Al Plastino dans Action Comics #242 en juillet 1958. Green Lantern is the tetartagonist of the Injustice series. Brainiac then escapes to Earth as the shrink ray's explosion causes Green Lantern and the power ring wielders to disappear where their respectful energies from the Emotional Spectrum hits each one of the heroes and villains present, except for Superman, Batman, Robin (who is wearing the helmet), Martian Manhunter, Killer Croc, Cheetah, and Firefly. Shopping. Superhero battle match: Brainiac & Green Lantern versus Darkseid. Green Lantern Vs Brainiac Dating, Partnersuche St. Pölten, Gutschein November 2021, Er Sucht Sie Tuttlingen This cross-continuity conflict was not unprecedented; in 1958 and '59, editor Mort Weisinger used the comic strip t… Injustice 2 Combos. Menu. On the distant planet of Colu, a race of green-skinned humanoids with an average 6th-level intelligence manufactured a supercomputer built to simulate a 10th-level intelligence. Impressed by the team, Brainiac 5 tried out and joined the Legion alongside Supergirl, and developed a crush on her. based on the planet Cairn. Brainiac (Geoff Johns/Gary Frank incarnation, Pre & Post Flashpoint) & Wraith VS Hal Jordan & Kyle Rayner (Post Crisis & Post Flashpo Le vrai nom de Brainiac est Vril Dox; il était un scientifique extra-terrestre doté d'une intelligence exceptionnelle. First Appearance: Green Lantern (vol. They worked for the Intergalactic police force known as L.E.G.I.O.N. Green Lantern Vs Brainiac Dating de rencontres ou vous disposez d'un environnement Green Lantern Vs Brainiac Dating actif d'échanges pour trouver l'amour de votre vie ou partager une formidable amitié, avec des célibataires ayant la même passion que vous. Green Arrow: Admit it, genius, you're in love with her. Brainiac versetzt Superman, Wonder Woman und Green Lantern in verschiedene Zeiten. Geoff Johns has written scores of comics including Infinite Crisis, 52, Green Lantern, Teen Titans, X-Men, The Avengers, The Flash, JSA and Superman. Zur nächsten Folie - Das könnte Ihnen auch gefallen. Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps » Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps #9 - Bottled Light Part 2: Brainiac. The end of the DC Universe in Future State seems to turn Wonder Woman into DC's last ringbearer with a familiar face. Habite à Bourges, Cher, Centre. Dieses Sammlerschiff, das nach seiner Zeit auf Krypton nun auf den Namen Brainiac hörte, flog nahe am Planeten Tolerance im Tenebrischen Dominion vorbei. Injustice 2: Directed by Ed Boon, Dominic Cianciolo, Martin Stoltz. Barry Allen Batman Brainiac Catwoman Flash Green Lantern Hal Jordan Hawkgirl Plastic Man Shayera Hol Wonder Woman. Sony Interactive Entertainment. The first Brainiac/Kandor comic book story in Action Comics #242 (July 1958) was based on a story arc in the Superman comic stripfrom April through August 1958. He is pleased to hear of the brainwashed Green Lantern's success and ordered him to join the other Lanterns. GREEN LANTERN GREIFT EIN! ! Bist du es? In it, Brainiac gathers several Lantern Corps members, such as Green Lantern, Star Sapphire, Sinestro, Atrocitus, Larfleeze, Saint Walker and Indigo-1, in order to power a crystal that can shrink entire worlds. Injustice 2 Statistics For Vengeful Lantern. 8,81 € Versand Nur noch 2 auf Lager. released by DC Comics on … A scientist from the planet of Colu, whose green-skinned humanoid inhabitants possess an intelligence far surpassing that of humans, Brainiac, or Vril Dox, abandoned his homeworld to explore the universe in search of infinite knowledge and, if knowledge is indeed power, infinite power. 9 7,655 1 0. Wonder Woman: Did Future State Technically Make Diana the Last Green Lantern? released by DC Comics on … While Catwoman, a double agent for Batman in the Society, rescues Harley, the reformed Flash and Green Lantern join Batman to take down Brainiac. Green Lantern; The Flash; Supergirl; Batman; Full Story. 4,6 von 5 Sternen. Along with artificial intelligence, they had given t… Hal Jordan, also known as Green Lantern, is a fictional superhero appearing in American comic books published by DC Comics. "Kneel before me! Lego Super Friends Green Lantern Corps V Brainiac. Wonder Woman, Mongul, & Batman. Green Lantern: Green Lantern "My collection does not need you."

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