32 Mk. As ZED has said, you are using the wrong gauges, the Lee Enfield is not a 'SAMMI' rifle. I (T). 4s. Despite a rubber butt-pad, the .303 round produced excessive recoil due to the shorter barrel. $187.65 The No. 1 Mk III or III*, with the original MLE and LEC becoming obsolete along with the earlier SMLE models. Photo by David Tong. An alternative developed during this period was to be used on the No. [11] The Lee bolt-action and 10-round magazine capacity enabled a well-trained rifleman to perform the "mad minute" firing 20 to 30 aimed rounds in 60 seconds, making the LeeEnfield the fastest military bolt-action rifle of the day. 4 Mk. The No. The PC gallery rifle is a carbine in pistol and revolver calibres, the AL42 is a 5.56mm rifle and the AL30C, a carbine in .30 Carbine. In total, over 16 million LeeEnfields had been produced in several factories on different continents when production in Britain ended in 1956 at the Royal Ordnance Factory ROF Fazakerley in Liverpool, after that factory had been plagued with industrial unrest. SKU: LE4-SET. Lee Enfield No. Brand New $223.32 Buy It Now +$39.08 shipping from United Kingdom Sponsored vintage gun parts lot No4 MK1 Lee Enfield bayonet a pair Pre-Owned $50.00 or Best Offer +$9.00 shipping 3 watchers Sponsored Lee Enfield No 4 MK 1 Bolt Release-Long Branch Manufacture! used very good Out of stock. Get notified. During the recent civil war in Nepal, the government troops were issued LeeEnfield rifles to fight the Maoist rebels, and the Maoists were also armed with SMLE rifles, amongst other weapons. (The Pattern 1914 became the Rifle No. 1 Mark III Lee-Enfield rifle is, without a doubt, one of the most widely recognized of these. I (T) sniper rifles in 19411942 at RSAF Enfield. During the First World War alone, 3.8million SMLE rifles were produced in the UK by RSAF Enfield, BSA, and LSA.[91]. [22] The SMLE's visual trademark was its blunt nose, with only the bayonet boss protruding a small fraction of an inch beyond the nosecap, being modelled on the Swedish Model 1894 cavalry carbine. Following some design changes to the MLM, in 1895 the rifle was . [51], The term "jungle carbine" was popularised in the 1950s by the Santa Fe Arms Corporation, a U.S. importer which refurbished many surplus rifles, converting many of the No. Lee Enfield #4mk1 1944 full restoration BSA Shirley mfg. 4 MK1 Lee Enfield. 4 rifle was heavier than the No. Observed examples are dated 1931 and 1933. The Lee-Enfield No. Maker: Enfield Model: No. The Rifle Factory Ishapore at Ishapore in India produced the Mk III* in .303 British, and then the model 2A, with strength increased by heat treatment of the receiver and bolt to fire 7.6251mm NATO ammunition, retaining the 2,000-yard rear sight as the metric conversion of distance was very close to the flatter trajectory of the new ammunition. 1 Mk. [14] LeeEnfield rifles are used by reserve forces and police forces in many Commonwealth countries, including Malawi. First marking is B 55 FTR which I have understood means it went through the FTR program like many of these rifles did post WWII. sku: 220614-03. They were then known by the designation Telescope Straight, Sighting L1A1. 1 Mk. I rifle as many collectors believe. by Philip Schreier, Director, NRA Museums posted on December 15, 2022 News, Guns History records. Just trying to find a "2" bolt head, not to mention one that's appropriate . Lee-Enfield No. 5 Mk I). The rifles were manufactured by parts outsourcing and were assembled and finished in Australia, chambered in 7.6251mm NATO and fed from modified M14 magazines. The LeeEnfield was the standard issue weapon to rifle companies of the British Army, colonial armies (such as India and parts of Africa), and other Commonwealth nations in both the First and Second World Wars (such as Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, and Canada). Many early models, Magazine LeeEnfields (MLEs), Magazine LeeMetfords (MLMs) and SMLEs, were rebuilt to the Mk III standard. Its reputation for ruggedness and reliability are legendary, while its smoothly operating bolt and 10-round, charger-loaded magazine gave the British "Tommy" a significant firepower advantage over his adversaries at the turn of the 20th century. Rather, they are newly manufactured firearms and are not technically chambered for commercial .308 Winchester ammunition. The bolt has a relatively short bolt throw and features rear-mounted lugs, and the bolt operating handle places the bolt knob just rearwards of the trigger at a favourable ergonomic position close to the operator's hand. Each No. Externally the new rifle is very similar to the classic Mk III*, with the exception of the buttplate (the buttplate from the 1A SLR is fitted) and magazine, which is more "square" than the SMLE magazine, and usually carries twelve rounds instead of ten,[85] although a number of 2A1s have been noted with 10-round magazines. . 4 was 44 12" long, weighed 8 lbs., 11 ozs., and had been adopted in 1939 to replace the Short, Magazine Lee-Enfield (SMLE)renamed the No. Many Mk. Wood stock is light wood, appears NOS and never fitted to rifle. 2s Modified to Mk. 1944present (produced 19441947) BSA-Shirley produced 81,329 rifles and ROF Fazakerley 169,807 rifles. Second World War UK production rifles had manufacturer codes for security reasons. Jenbro Screw Driver, Wire Formed Blade Type . Thanks for a great and very fair review of the Lee-Enfield SMLE. Lee Enfield Rifles. This is one reason the bolt closure feels smooth. Only SMLE Mk III* rifles are known to have been assembled under this program. 4 rifles and were designated No. Helical locking lugs were probably used both to allow the chambering of imperfect or dirty ammunition and also so that the closing cam action is distributed over the entire mating faces of both bolt and receiver lugs. [25], The best-known LeeEnfield rifle, the SMLE Mk III, was introduced on 26 January 1907, along with a Pattern 1907 bayonet and featured a simplified rear sight arrangement and a fixed, rather than a bolt-head-mounted sliding, charger guide. The new model became the Magazine, Lee Enfield Mk1 or MLE Mk1 in 1895. In the early 1930s, a batch of 2,500 No. 1 Mk. 4 Mk 1 Rifle Britain's long-serving bolt-action rifle has American ties. Lee-Enfield Rifle Action Cover, OD Green Canvas, Brass Snaps *Very Good* $24.95. 4 Mk. Live L1A1 Straight pull rifles. Lee Enfield No.4 MK.1 - 4 piece set With Grooved Upper Wood Sale. 1* is functionally the same as the Mk.1, but various changes were made in the design to make the manufacturing process faster. [14] The design of the handguards and the magazine were also improved and the chamber was adapted to fire the new Mk VII high velocity spitzer .303 ammunition. p. 372. Many surplus LeeEnfield rifles were sold in Australia, Canada, New Zealand, South Africa, the United Kingdom and the United States after the Second World War, and a fair number have been 'sporterised', having had the front furniture reduced or removed and a scope fitted so that they resemble a bolt-action sporting rifle. 8 is in regular use with UK Cadet Forces as a light target rifle. Add to Compare. The used value of an ENFIELD 303 NO 4 MK I rifle has fallen ($61.94) dollars over the past 12 months to a price of $563.89 . $115.01 + $13.92 shipping. Khyber Pass copy rifles cannot generally stand up to the pressures generated by modern commercial ammunition,[97] and are generally considered unsafe to fire under any circumstances.[14]. [97], The quality on such rifles varies from "as good as a factory-produced example" to "dangerously unsafe", tending towards the latter end of the scale. The Lee: British Service Rifle from 1888 to 1950 by . 4 marks, in the hope of increasing sales of a rifle that had little U.S. market penetration. Finish: blued or paint Sights: Vernier rear adjustable to 800 yards; blade front drift-adjustable for windage Price: $400-$900 (about $400 for sample discussed) (Victoria Regina) cyphers dated after 1901; Queen Victoria died in 1901, so any rifles made after 1901 should be stamped "E.R" (. 7 Mk. 2,250.00 + 15.00 Postage. $6.00. . 4 Mk1 (T) sniper rifle, manufactured 1944, chambered in 303 British with a 25 inch barrel, bright & shiny bore, well defined lands & grooves, 3.5x optic, and crate. A new rifle based on the Mauser design was created to fire the round, called the Pattern 1913 Enfield. The 12 month average price is $582.81 new and $568.84 used. A Lee Enfield Mk 1 No. Lot of 4 x No4 Stocks - butt assembly with alloy butt plate . Many of these muskets were rechambered, after being sold as surplus, and can now be used with commercially available ammunition. I* Rifle by Long Branch. Original WW2 Lee Enfield Spike No.4 Mk.1 Spare Scabbard. It was a further simplification and cut down on both material costs and . Lee Enfield No4 Mk1 Last Updated on Sun, 22 Jan 2023 | Firearms Assembly Lower band Few weapons in history can match the long and illustrious story of the British bolt-action Lee-Enfield rifles. Since the overall length is 46", it will fit many other rifles. The main deficiency of the rounds at the time was that they used heavy, round-nosed bullets that had low muzzle velocities and poor ballistic performance. Fixed and adjustable aperture sights incorporated onto later variants, 1930 (trials only; 1,025 produced and leftover parts assembled into rifles early in WWII), 1931present (2,500 trials examples produced in the 1930s, then mass production from mid-1941 onwards). 4 Mark I and featured a rear receiver aperture battle sight calibrated for 300yd (274m) with an additional ladder aperture sight that could be flipped up and was calibrated for 200800yd (183732m) in 100yd (91m) increments. ), of Toronto, Ontario, produced a run of several thousand survival rifles based on the No. Lee Enfield No.1 MK.l Front and Rear Hand Guard Set 2pc set $145.00 CAD $130.00 CAD Add to cart Lee Enfield No.1 MK.1 4pc Wood Restoration Kit From $465.00 CAD Choose options Lee Enfield No.1 MK. It was produced only by Small Arms Limited at Long Branch in Canada, and Stevens-Savage Firearms in the US. 7, Rifle, No. Bi-pod legs for a French GPMG AAT. Bore is good condition. The No.4 MK1 variant was adopted during the beginning of World War II in 1941 as it was stronger yet easier to mass-produce compare to the previous SMLE or Short Magazine, Lee Enfield variants. Read More. The receiver-mounted rear sights and magazine cutoff were also present and 1,025 units were produced in the 1930 period.[37]. Price: $750.00 . Enfield Envoy, a rifle intended for civilian competition target shooting and Enfield Enforcer, a rifle fitted with a Pecar telescopic sight to suit the requirements of police firearms teams. They were supplied to the UK under the Lend-Lease programme during the Second World War. These come for the Lee-Enfield No.4 MK1. Although the .276 Enfield had better ballistics, trials by British Army soldiers in 1913 revealed problems including excessive recoil, muzzle flash, barrel wear and overheating. Lee Enfield #4 MK1. 2000 rifles to be assembled from existing No1 Mk6 rifle components made by Enfield. All Enfield Rifles below are proofed and shoot ready. Accuracy: * * * * * [96], "Khyber Pass copies", as they are known, tend to be copied exactly from a "master" rifle, which may itself be a Khyber Pass copy, markings and all, which is why it's not uncommon to see Khyber Pass rifles with the N in "Enfield" reversed, amongst other things. [14] Soft-point .303 ammunition is widely available for hunting purposes, though the Mark 7 military cartridge design often proves adequate because its tail-heavy design makes the bullet yaw violently and deform after hitting the target.[106][107]. The Australian Army modified 1,612[52] Lithgow SMLE No. 4 Mk1/3 rifles), L8A4 rifles (converted No. 9, all .22 rimfire trainers and target rifles based on the Lee action, were adopted or in use with cadet units and target shooters throughout the Commonwealth, the No.8 as of 2017 has been replaced among cadet forces due to obsolescence. [47] A "shortened and lightened" version of the SMLE Mk III* rifle was also tested by the Australian military and a very small number were manufactured at SAF Lithgow during the course of the Second World War. The design was found to be even more complicated and expensive to manufacture than the Mk III and was not developed or issued, beyond a trial production of about 20,000 rifles between 1922 and 1924 at RSAF Enfield all of which marked with a "V". BB 8037. III* rifles by adding a heavy target barrel, cheek-piece, and a World War I era Pattern 1918 telescope, creating the SMLE No. I don't know the provenance of my Jungle Carbine, but my No. 4 Mk. These were converted in late 1941 and into the later part of 1942. This material was extracted from official papers. [14], During both World Wars and the Korean War, a number of LeeEnfield rifles were modified for use as sniper rifles. RFI, in India, converted a large number of MkIII rifles to single-shot muskets, chambered for the .410 Indian musket cartridge. It has a clean bore and no issues. The commando units of the British military requested a suppressed rifle for killing sentries, guard dogs and other clandestine operational uses during the Second World War. Price: $14.95 Description: The development of the Lee-Metford and Lee-Enfield rifles from its introduction in 1888 are detailed and illustrated. Khyber Pass copies can be recognised by a number of factors, notably: British company Armalon Ltd[98] developed a number of rifles based on the Lee Enfield No. 32 telescope progressed through three marks with the Mk. [108][109] (For more information see Gun politics in the United Kingdom and Gun politics in Australia. [45] The L42A1 sniper rifle continued as the British Army's standard sniper weapon being phased out by 1993, and replaced by Accuracy International's L96. For sale is a No. GRI stands for "Georgius Rex, Imperator" (Latin for 'King George, Emperor (of India)', denoting a rifle made during the British Raj. World War II Enfield No. I rifles was made for trials. New Listing LEE ENFIELD NO4 MK1 WOOD SET. 1 Mk. Live Japanese Type 99 Sniper rifle. The No. Rifles so marked were assembled using parts from various other manufacturers, as part of a scheme during the First World War to boost rifle production in the UK. SKU GDC0000003544. [88][89] Also contributing to the total was the Rifle Factory Ishapore (RFI) at Ishapore in India, which continued to produce the SMLE in both .303 and 7.6251mm NATO until the 1980s, and is still manufacturing a sporting rifle based on the SMLE Mk III action, chambered for a .315 calibre cartridge,[90] the Birmingham Small Arms Company factory at Shirley near Birmingham, and SAF Lithgow in Australia, who finally discontinued production of the SMLE Mk III* with a final 'machinery proving' batch of 1000 rifles in early 1956, using 1953-dated receivers. 1 Rifle in 1926that had served with . From this point on. I (T) and No. [33], Due to the poor performance of the .303 British cartridge during the Second Boer War from 1899 to 1902, the British attempted to replace the round and the LeeEnfield rifle that fired it. Live M1D Garand Sniper Rifles. These unusual rifles have something of a mysterious service history, but represent a missing link in SMLE development. While British and Australian conversions were to the standard commercially available .410 shotgun cartridge (though of varying chamber lengths) the Indian conversions have been the source of considerable confusion. Add to cart. Serial Numbers, Model, Mark and Manufacture Identification. 5 Mk. AN ENFIELD MK 1 rifle is currently worth an average price of $537.71 new and $446.46 used . III* (HT). [104] LeeEnfield rifles have also been seen in the hands of both the Naxalites and the Indian police in the ongoing Maoist insurgency in rural India. spares (non FAC required) for Lee Enfield bolt action rifles. 4 Mk 2 (Arabic numerals replaced Roman numerals in official names in 1944) rifle, a refined and improved No. Stock set for No. 4 Mk I* rifles are all stamped "US property". Like the No. 1 rifles to L59A2 drill purpose was also prepared but was abandoned due to the greater difficulty of machining involved and the negligible numbers still in the hands of cadet units. While it was intended that rear-echelon and reserve units would continue to use the Lee-Enfield No. Initially, rifles were converted from obsolete Magazine LeeMetford and Magazine LeeEnfield rifles[59][60] but from the First World War onwards SMLE rifles were used instead. At some point just after the Sino-Indian War of 1962, the Rifle Factory Ishapore in India began producing a new type of rifle known as the Rifle 7.62mm 2A, which was based on the SMLE Mk III*[84] and was slightly redesigned to use the 7.6251mm NATO round. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. The rear "battle sight" was ground off to make room to attach the No. Our Price: 195.00: Gunner Points: 19: Stock Info: Out Of Stock: CR322 LE4 Sling swivel. No5 . Add to Compare. Both were located at Long Branch, Ontario. 4 Mk. The classic Lee Enfield rifle is one of the finest bolt-action service weapons ever produced, and a popular selection for collectors and budget-friendly shooters alike. Load Rating 18 lbs. 4 Mk I, because the Lithgow Small Arms Factory was producing the SMLE Mk III. For No4 rifle swivels, Front and Rear. Buy No 4 MK1 Enfield .303 : GunBroker is the largest seller of Bolt Action Rifles Rifles Guns & Firearms All: 973357398. The Canadian scopes made by Research Enterprises Limited and were prefixed with a letter C and went through C No. [12] Although officially replaced in the UK with the L1A1 SLR in 1957, it remained in widespread British service until the early/mid-1960s and the 7.62 mm L42A1 sniper variant remained in service until the 1990s. I/L bayonet, which has a rotating handle and a large ring on the cross-guard was not for the No. The Howard Francis self-loading carbine was a conversion of a No. There is a piece of history in all of these Lee Enfield rifles. Rifles are in good to very good original condition and ready to fire. [14] Top-notch accuracy is difficult to achieve with the LeeEnfield design,[39] as it was intended to be a battle rifle rather than a sharpshooter's weapon,[39] and thus the Enfield is nowadays overshadowed by derivatives of Paul Mauser's design as a target shooting arm. 5 Mk. Inside the .Click for more info This rifle retained most of the overall design feature of the earlier model, including the 30 barrel length. 4 Mk 2 rifle, the British refurbished many of their No. LEE-ENFIELD NO.4 MK 1. [47] The No. No4 Mk1 FTR BSA Circa 1942 - HELD. 4 Mk I used to develop the No. A redesign of the LeeMetford (adopted by the British Army in 1888), the LeeEnfield superseded the earlier MartiniHenry, MartiniEnfield, and Lee-Metford rifles. Read More. WW2 Lee Enfield No. [20] Some of the MLEs (and MLMs) were converted to load from chargers, and designated Charger Loading LeeEnfields, or CLLEs. It featured a ten-round box magazine which was loaded with the .303 British cartridge manually from the top, either one round at a time or by means of five-round chargers. Quest starts at lvl15+ You can build more Battery Ammo and .303 at the Chem bench. CA$175.00. With Hitler's war machine on the move, the British needed an. Beside the main compartment it . Police forces in both the Solomon Islands and Vanuatu continue to operate and maintain stocks of No.4 rifles. About the rifles. Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Google + Email. Horton. Other distinctive features include a nose cap screw was slotted for the width of a coin for easy removal, a safety lever on the left side of the receiver was slightly modified with a unique angular groove pattern, and the two-piece hand guard being extended from the nose cap to the receiver, omitting the barrel mounted leaf sight. 4 Mk I was first issued in 1939 but not officially adopted until 1941. I A (a transitional model), Mk. 4 Mk I Canadian rifleman during Battle of Ortona, December 1943 By the late 1930s the need for new rifles grew and the Rifle, No. 2, of varying marks. It was equipped with a No. Guns.com pledges to make gun buying easy, to support local gun stores, and to . Product Description #1 MK III LEE ENFIELD #7 same as #1 & #3 & Jungle Carbine - Rear sight in front of rec. The action features helical locking surfaces (the technical term is interrupted threading). Original No4 Enfield Magazine in used condition. 1 Mk III to the 7.6325mm Mauser pistol cartridge. PLEASE NOTE THERE ARE SEVERAL PAGES AFTER THIS ONE. 4 Mk IV. 4 rifle bayonet lugs) and magazine. [80] Rifles that were thus converted were re-designated as the L8 series of rifles and refitted with 7.6251mm NATO barrels, new bolt faces and extractor claws, new rear sights, and 7.6251mm NATO magazines. SMLE MkIII LSA 1917 . [39] Towards the end of the Second World War, a bladed bayonet was developed for the No.5 Mk.I rifle ("jungle carbine"). The used value of an ENFIELD MK 1 rifle has fallen ($137.27) dollars over the . SKU: LE4-105. $39.00 4 bayonet, essentially a steel rod with a sharp point, nicknamed "pigsticker" by soldiers. 1 Mk. The accuracy requirement was ability to place seven of seven shots in a 5 inches (12.7cm) circle at 200 yards (183m) and six of seven shots in a 10 inches (25.4cm) circle at 400 yards (366m). Add to cart. Lee Enfield No.4 Mk1 (Mfg 1942) British WW2 Description: This is a mid-war production rifle manufactured by the British Royal Ordinance Maltby factory in 1942. 4. The magazine cutoff was also reintroduced and an additional band was added near the muzzle for additional strength during bayonet use. 3s and Mk. 4 rifles and brought them up to the same standard as the No. It was unsuitable for general issue and production ceased in 1947, due to an "inherent fault in the design", often claimed to be a "wandering zero" and accuracy problems.[48]. ORIGINAL WW2 British Lee Enfield No4 T Scope Genuine No 32 Mk1 HBM Co. w/ mount. [57], Numbers of LeeEnfield rifles were converted to .22 calibre training rifles,[58] in order to teach cadets and new recruits the various aspects of shooting, firearms safety, and marksmanship at a markedly reduced cost per round. It was then decided that the limit of the effective range was a more realistic proposition at 800m. The Ishapore 2A and 2A1 rifles are often incorrectly described as ".308 conversions". The Rieder device could be installed straight away without the use of tools. 4 Mk 1 (T) rifles nor was there any consistent accuracy between those rifles that had been chosen for conversion, while the regular L8 rifles gave a better performance but with little or no improvement over .303in weapons; consequently, the conversion programme was abandoned and what was now known as the Ministry of Defence was forced to expand the issue of L1A1 rifles to non-frontline units. The year is 1944; the British have been in two world wars and are quickly realizing that mobility is essential to keeping troops alive and effective. Small Arms Limited and later, Canadian Arsenals Limited, Spelling errors in the markings; as noted the most common of which is a reversed "N" in "Enfield"), V.R. The Lee-Enfield or Enfield [9] is a bolt-action, magazine -fed repeating rifle that served as the main firearm of the military forces of the British Empire and Commonwealth during the first half of the 20th century, and was the British Army 's standard rifle from its official adoption in 1895 until 1957. Cover, OD Green Canvas, Brass Snaps * very good original condition and ready to fire easy to... Telescope progressed through three marks with the earlier SMLE models rifle has fallen ( $ 137.27 dollars! Director, NRA Museums posted on December 15, 2022 News, Guns history records there is a of... Lot of 4 x No4 Stocks - butt assembly with alloy butt.! And ready to fire the round, called lee enfield mk1 Pattern 1913 Enfield to... To rifle a new rifle based on the Mauser design was created to fire round. Battle sight '' was ground off to make room to attach the No is currently worth an average of. 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My No below are proofed and shoot ready over the $ 39.00 4 bayonet, essentially a steel rod a... Magazine, Lee Enfield No4 T Scope Genuine No 32 Mk1 HBM Co. w/..

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