This was the time the author was working at the Institute of African Studies of the University of Zambia. Wanjivwa means "He(God) heard us" in Namwanga. 2) Mutinta means to change. The church, says Clare Mulenga-Chilambo, offers deliverance. It is given to a baby boy or girl who was born when parents were busy in the field in the rain season, building a house etc. Italian (Sicily and Apulia): of Albanian origin (see below) found mainly in the ancient Albanian-speaking community of Piana degli Albanesi Sicily where the Albanian Christian refugees from the Turkish occupation of the Balkans settled in the 15th century. The name can also be given to a baby boy born after a woman had two or more consecutive daughters. Watching the boy's Sisyphean progress towards his distant home, that name suddenly seems disturbingly apt, but he's not the only one cursed with a dismal name. There were a total of 571 traditional names from Eastern Zambia and 312 traditional Tonga names from Southern Zambia. According to respondents, the Lala used 'akamphangolishishi', a type of material, to make shirts and other clothes with 'chilundu', a type of tree. Find a People Group, Language, Country, Resource. The most Lala families were found in USA in 1920. Albanian: nickname from lal (definite form lala) meaning uncle and elder brother but also used as a term expressing respect and intimacy. Complete 2021 information on the meaning of Lala, its origin, history, pronunciation, popularity, variants and more as a baby girl name. However, these days, very few Lalas wear such materials. In 1880 there were 16 Lala families living in Texas. This is a list of Zambian names, not including all the tribes of Zambia. 9) Milimo means work. The Meaning of Tumbuka, Chewa, Ngoni, Nsenga, and Tonga Names. Suzgho (Male and Female) trouble, problems, 3. Ethnoreligion is deeply rooted in a people's ethnic identity and conversion essentially equates to cultural assimilation. Chimuka (Male and Female) late, baby born beyond due month. Mavunika (Male and Female) breach baby, 8. [1] Traditional foods, like locally prepared beer, 'katata' and 'katubi', along with locally grown crops are displayed. In the past, money was not charged to the bride's family.[1]. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. In the majority of cases, the groups of nine up to fifteen people agreed about the meanings of the various Tonga traditional names. All: Name: Home > Lala . Page 133 - Robert C. Acronyms and Initialisms Dictionary, Detroit: Gale Research Company, 4th edition, 1973 as Smith, Elsdon C. American Surnames, New York: Chilton Book Company, 1969 bbdm Baker's Biographical Dictionary of Musicians, New York: G. Schirmer, Inc., 4th edition, 1940 (with 1949 supplement) bfn Barber, Henry. This Bantu language-related article is a stub. Tafika means "we have arrived" in ChiTumbuka & Chewa, Takondwa means "we are delighted" in ChiTumbuka & Chewa, Tamara means "some loved ones are no longer with us" in ChiTumbuka, Taona means "we have seen" in ChiTumbuka & Chewa, Taonga means "we are thankful" in ChiTumbuka & Chewa, Thandiwe means "beloved" or "the loved one" in ChiTumbuka & Ngoni, Tikambenji means "what can we say" in Chewa, Tilabilenji means "what can we say" in Nsenga, Wankumbu means "He (God) is merciful" in Namwanga/Mambwe. Italian (Sicily and Apulia): of Albanian origin (see below) found mainly in the ancient Albanian-speaking community of Piana degli Albanesi Sicily where the Albanian Christian refugees from the Turkish occupation of the Balkans settled in the 15th century. The list of its authors can be seen in its historicaland/or the page Edithistory:List of Zambian names. Countrywide, an estimated 380,000 children have been orphaned . Obontami, smellymouth, lastmumu, lasisi69, rokiatu, 1 Like. [1], Separate from this hierarchy is the traditional council, referred to as 'Insaka ye Lala'. Professor of Sociology, Bridgewater College. Most of the Lala settled in the Central Province under chief Chitambo in Serenje District. In 1880 there were 16 Lala families living in Texas. Nchimunya (Male and Female) third or more of consecutive daughters or sons. 1. Zambian names beginning with the letter A. MUSENGE comes first from the verb ", Vyane-means "mine" or "my own" (plural) in Tumbuka, Khumbo- means God's"will" or "want" in Tumbuka, Wanipa - means God "has given me" in Tumbuka, Mbanandi- means " they are many" in Tumbuka, Chabilikila - means "it sounds" a chief spokes person in Chitabwa. A total of 323 respondents from a total of 26 villages were asked to describe baby-naming customs, identify traditional names and explain the meanings of the names, the circumstances of naming and whether . Generally, the study showed that the Tonga traditional names are chosen according to significant social events that might have happened when the baby was born. [1], The Lala have also traditionally had an initiation ritual for girls upon getting their first period; they would be secluded from the community for a period of time, and be taught lessons, coupled with dances, in preparation for their adult life. The following list of male and female Zambian names was started by Austin Chizyuka and reflects the breadth of names in Zambia. Little, if any, history of Christianity. It is an independent institution constructed to be an advisor to chiefs and other Lala community groups. Nsonyi means "[remove] shame" in Lunda for a child born to a woman who remained childless for a long time. Mumba means "inside the house" in Chibemba. The primary religion practiced by the Lala is ethnoreligion. The ten Tonga names which were most frequently cited in descending order are: 1) Nchimunya which means the same. As a sidenote, blowing your own hone about your previous works seems too much. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. Browse profiles of historical people with the Lala last name, This page needs Javascript enabled in order to work properly. A study was conducted in the Eastern and Southern Provinces of Zambia to investigate the meaning of Zambian traditional names. The potholes are getting deeper and the clutch is playing up. Matimba -Tonga (muddy) Musune - Tonga (ox) A displayed zero can mean true zero, a very small rounded number or sometimes unknown. It probably originated as a variant of Lal . It's a Nguni word meaning "punish me". Tepwanji means " Be patient" in Namwanga. During the 1993 field trip to Eastern Zambia the author was working at Bridgewater College. I was reading the Sunday Times of Zambia when I noticed in the news stories of Zambians who had very peculiar names. Ask Massiye, or "orphan", or Chisonis - "sadness", or the sad-eyed Chimwamsozi, whose name means "drinker of tears". Learn about the Lala-Bisa in Zambia people group. @Professor, always a pleasure reading your articles. note: estimates for this country explicitly take into account the effects of excess mortality due to AIDS; this can result in lower life expectancy, higher infant mortality, higher death rates, lower population growth rates, and changes in the distribution of population by age and sex than would otherwise be expected. Ethnoreligion is deeply rooted in a people's ethnic identity and conversion essentially equates to cultural assimilation. [1], The Lala are traditionally governed by chiefs. Hawara: 'What happened was horrific and barbaric', The people who want you to believe the Ukraine war is fake, What we've learned from Alex Murdaugh murder trial. Overview: The Lala of Zambia, numbering 587,000, are No Longer Unreached. Central, Eastern, and Northern provinces: east along Luangwa river (Bisa), southwest (Lala); Copperbelt province: Masaiti district. Countrywide, an estimated 380,000 children have been orphaned by Aids and 85,000 are living with HIV. Chimika (Male and Female) to stop, to halt, 10. Zangi means "Love" in Luvale Musonda means "the taster" and ukusonda is "to taste" in Chibemba. 7) Mainza means rain season. People Name in Country: Lala-Bisa: Population this Country: 789,000 Population all Countries: 888,000: 2. How popular is Lala? This page has been accessed 40,784 times. Mapalo means "God's blessings in Chibemba, Bumi means "Life" in Chimbemba [3], Like many other ethnic groups in Zambia, the Lala are said to have descended from the Luba-Lunda Kingdom in present-day Democratic Republic of Congo. Zambia: Population: 10.8 . A total of 134 people participated in the study; eighty-six men and forty-eight women. The initial aim of the research was that the book would be put in the maternity ward of the University Teaching Hospital (UTH) in Lusaka and maternity clinics all over Zambia. Its handlebars, crossbar and panniers are stacked impossibly high with yellow jerry cans, firewood and a sack of rice. Globally, this group totals 690,000 in 2 countries. Much of population is concentrated in the country's most developed areaknown as the Line of Railwhich is served by the railway linking the Copperbelt with . Mutinta (Male and Female) born after two girls, 3. An unusually short lifespan might indicate that your Lala ancestors lived in harsh conditions. Their primary language is Lala-Bisa. "Sometimes the chief wants to punish the family," says Mavuto. Blanks mean an unknown value. As the first fat raindrops splatter the dusty windscreen, it suddenly strikes me that I haven't asked Mavuto what his name means. Their primary language is Lala-Bisa. The Lala family name was found in the USA, the UK, and Canada between 1880 and 1920. The population is composed of people from all parts of Zambia, as well as some from neighbouring countries. Spare a thought for those who are bestowed with troublesome names. With intermarriages it wont be strange to have names as Zondiwe Michelo, Mutinta Chitalu or Chimuka Banda they would be easily understood. Lets have a compilation from the diversity of tribes around provinces in Zambia. I made a research field trip to Choma and the Gwembe Valley in September 1988 and three trips to Eastern Zambia between 1980 and 1985. A total of 323 respondents from a total of 26 villages were asked to describe baby-naming customs, identify traditional names and explain the meanings of the names, the circumstances of naming and whether the name is used to name females, males or both. PEOPLE GROUPS - Start; . This practice is similar to many other groups in Zambia, such as the wali ceremony of the Luvale. Swaka dialect is divergent, and sometimes classified as a separate language (Nurse 2003). It is probably related to Lal. If this is the case then we will continue to see an increase on the Radio and in newspapers of such names as Supuni (spoon), Foloko (fork), Pensulo (pencil), Financial, Umbrella, Clever, Jazz, Trouble, Shoulderblade, T-bone etc. Video, Record numbers of guide dog volunteers after BBC story, Ed Sheeran says wife developed tumour in pregnancy, Covid origin likely China lab incident - FBI chief, Ruling party wins Nigeria's presidential election, Uranium particles enriched to 83.7% found in Iran, Finland starts construction of Russia border fence, Daily walk prevents one in 10 early deaths - study, Twitter goes down with users unable to view tweets, Bieber cancels remaining Justice world tour dates, Pictures show devastation after Greece train disaster. Lala, a people of eastern Nigeria. View Census Data for Lala | Data not to scale. What Does Your Traditional Zambian African Name Mean? Alinani means "He (God) is with me" in Namwanga/Mambwe, Alinaswe means "He (God) is with us" in Namwanga/Mambwe, Busiku means "night" in Tonga & [[Tumbuka language|ChiTumbuka], Chabota means "It is beautiful" in Tonga/Tonga, Chendabushiku means "night walker" in Chibemba, Chibwe means "big stone or rock" in Chibemba, Chola means "one born after a twin" in Chibemba, Ganizani means "[you must] think" in Chewa, Kabwe means "the precious tiny stone" or small rock" in Chibemba, Kalenga or Mulenga means "creator" in Chibemba, Kaweme means "the beautiful one" in Chibemba, Kondwani means "be happy" in ChiTumbuka & Chewa, Kumbukani means "you must remember" in ChiTumbuka & Chewa, Luwi means "[God's] mercy, kindness" in Lunda, Mainza means "one born in the rainy season" in Tonga, Maluba or Chiluba means "flowers" in Bemba, Mansa means emperor or king in Luba/Lunda/ Bemba, Mapenzi means "trouble or problems" in Tonga, Masauso means "trouble or problems" in Chewa, Masuzyo means "troubles or problems" in ChiTumbuka, Mayaba means "a prematurely born baby" in Tonga, Mbuyi means "older twin" and Kapa "younger twin" in Lunda, Milimo means "work" in Tonga & ChiTumbuka, Mpimpa means "the 'folding' twin" in Tonga, Mpangalusya means "Giving in abundance" in Namwanga, Mubanga means "strong" in Chibemba and is the name of the uMubanga tree. Or nine-year-old Komasi, whose name means "kill him", and his little brother Komaniso, aka "kill him also". Joshua Project occasionally adjusts profile text from third party sources. One also comes across names in newspapers, radio and everyday life like Skin, Experience, Given, Cloud. This was the time the author was conducting research at the Institute of African Studies of the University of Zambia. The BBC is not responsible for the content of external sites. Profiles include statistics, text, photo, map, progress indicator and language resources. "Maybe his grandfather, maybe the chief," he shrugged, explaining that across Zambia and neighbouring Zimbabwe, it is common for parents, especially in rural areas, to invite community elders to choose the name of a newborn. The Lala of Zambia, numbering 587,000, are No Longer Unreached. It's a tin-roofed hut with a neat vegetable patch patrolled by bickering chickens and a dog called Imbwa. There were individuals with names like Twelufu (twelve), Badwell, Sign, Beenwell. Globally, this group totals 686,000 in 2 countries. [1], The Lala language, known locally as Ilala, is mutually intelligible/closely related with the Bisa and Bemba languages of the Northern, Muchinga, and Luapula provinces of Zambia. 2023 BBC. Others feel that the names must be kept not just out of respect to elders but also as a guarantee of ancestral protection. Below them are 'Sulutani', village headmen and women. I was eating breakfast one Sunday morning in 1980 at my home in Handsworth Court maisonettes of the University of Zambia in Lusaka. Meanwhile, little Mulangani - he who must be punished - has scrounged a lift in the back of our pick-up to his home. A study was conducted in the Eastern and Southern Provinces of Zambia to investigate the meaning of Zambian traditional names. Articles copied from Draft Namespace on Wikipedia could be seen on the Draft Namespace of Wikipedia and not main one. Growing up, he knew a kid called Chiheni, which translates as bad boy, or thug. Texas had the highest population of Lala families in 1880. In rare instances a representative photo may be used. More recently, I encountered an elderly man whose nickname was Ethye the equivalent of sneeze in English. [10] There are three conventional ways of marrying among the Lala: a pre-arranged marriage between a man and a woman's families, a man and a woman asking permission from their families to marry each other, and a man who impregnated a woman is pressured by her family to take her as his wife. Populations are scaled to the current year. The name is given to a baby boy or girl who was born in the rain season. Zambian Names. The Lala of Zambia, numbering 584,000, are No Longer Unreached. [4], The Lala are traditionally small scale farmers, hunters, and fishermen. They responded to a Tonga Indigenous Names Questionnaire.. You can browse the book on Google. [1], Like many other Zambian societies, Lala entertainment takes the form of traditional songs, and evening storytelling around a fire. Kutemwa means "to be loved" in Chibemba. Values for %Christian Adherent and %Evangelical (which determine unreached status) are often informed estimates, some more accurate than others. I reminded my wife that one of my cousins had the name Because. 17,426,623 (July 2020 est.) In 1940, Laborer and New Worker were the top reported jobs for men and women in the USA named Lala. I want to go and EAT lunch with professor, UPND Official arrested for allegedly defiling his Wifes 13 year old niece, Arrows and Napsa Join Nkana and Eagles in 2022 ABSA Cup Semifinals. Swaka dialect is divergent, and sometimes classified as a separate language (Nurse 2003). Video, Rescuers search wreckage of deadly Greece train crash, Record numbers of guide dog volunteers after BBC story. Priofessor, one does not EAT brakfast, they HAVE breakfast. "In African culture, there is a trend of naming children according to the circumstances surrounding their birth," says Clare Mulkenga-Chilambo, a care worker at SOS Children's Villages in Zambia. Are You Addicted to Collard Greens or Repu?! 3 . They are part of the Bantu, Central-South people cluster within the Sub-Saharan African affinity bloc. - Few evangelicals, but significant number who identify as Christians. The crops were traditionally cultivated in the 'Chitemene' system, where trees were cut down to act as fertilizer for crops. Ndona means "Lady Doctor" in Luvale, Wankumbu means "He (God) is merciful in Chibemba Ask Simon Mwewa. What's he waiting for? Traditional music can be studied from several possible angles that are in no way mutually exclusive, but rather complementary. Many names and nicknames reflected the baby or adults character and personality. My wife and I laughed as we read names of a Judge whose name was Spainet another individual was Witness. Sometime soon, says Mulangani, I'm going to be baptised. My book: Zambian Traditional Names: The Meaning of Tumbuka, Chewa, Nsenga, Ngoni, and Tonga Names is now available at all Book World Bookstores all over Zambia. 100 penpals Top 100 Zambian names - Zambia See also first names from Zambia on : [] - The Lala people dress in a similar manner to other ethnic groups of Zambia. Their primary language is Lala-Bisa. "It's possible," concurs Muvato. Copperbelt (formerly Western) Province is the location of the mining industry. They oversee a small area and are aided or followed by village elders, who uphold Lala tradition. Mainza (Male and Female) born during the rainy season, 8. Machenje Tonga (fruits. Before making travel plans based on data presented here, please confirm with other sources to the extent possible. All the information has been compiled and published into 142 page book that describes the naming customs of newly born babies and an identification of names from the Tumbuka, Chewa, Ngoni, Nsenga people of Eastern Zambia and the Tonga of Southern Zambia. What were your thoughts when you finally arrived in the big cities? That can happen anywhere, of course. Family name origins & meanings. "He is in prison in South Africa for the attempted murder of a security guard.". Box 169 After a birth, the mother and child hide away until the cord drops off. I conducted the study from 1980 to 2000. The Senior Chief holds the title of 'Kankomba-we-Lala', and the royal family is called 'Bena Nyendwa'. Joshua Project suggests the following outline: Scripture Prayers for the Lala-Bisa in Zambia. The third level are the 'Chilolos', who preside over a bigger area with multiple villages and headmen within a chiefdom. Nkonde means "bananas" in Chibemba. Lweendo (Male and Female) born during a journey, 6. The Lenje are related to the Ila-Tonga, and the Soli to the Lala-Lamba, who, in turn, are connected with the Kaonde of North-Western Province. Large parts of Zambia are thinly populated. Lala-Bisa is a Bantu language of Zambia that is closely related to Bemba. Click. You can find birthdates, death dates, addresses and more. Who, I asked my driver Mavuto, would give their child such a horrible name? - Few evangelicals and few who identify as Christians. A total of 323 respondents or people from a total of 26 villages were asked to describe baby-naming customs, identify traditional names and explain the meanings of the names, the circumstances of naming and whether the name is used to name females, males babies or both. The land has a total area of 752,610 km (290,584 mi). Phone: (540) 828-5351 He is helped by other chiefs, who are at the same level of hierarchy to each other. You can see how Lala families moved over time by selecting different census years. 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