We aim to explore how medical students can be effective advocates on social media and connect students with leaders in all areas of medicine. Msu Caribbean Student Association. MSU is an affirmative-action, equal-opportunity employer. We hope to create a dialogue between faculty, physicians, and students in order to foster student interest within the field. Student Organization of Latino Social Workers. The goals and objectives of these organizations are met through education, social, cultural, religious or philanthropic activities. S.R.I.G. Michigan State University (Michigan State or MSU) is a public land-grant research university in East Lansing, Michigan.It was founded in 1855 as the Agricultural College of the State of Michigan, the first of its kind in the United States. The Spartan Love Fund was created to bring a sense of community and Spartan Love back to campus. System Status Service Alerts There have been no recent service alerts. The Office of Student Affairs & Services is here to support medical students and equip them to achieve their highest potential in a positive learning environment that promotes personal and professional development, student well-being, and student engagement. Our purpose is to expose the incoming medical students to the world of emergency medicine and the subspecialties it has to offer in modern healthcare system. RSO Help Office Hours have ended for the 2021-2022 year. Cannabis Industry Association. Mission:We provide support and guidance to medical students of South Asian descent as they enter Michigan State University College of Human Medicine. We hope to provide opportunities to engage with pediatric professionals, explore what opportunities exists in the pediatric field, and create a positive impact specifically among the pediatric community. Mission:Student National Medical Association (SNMA) is committed to supporting current and future underrepresented minority medical students, addressing the needs of underserved communities, and increasing the number of clinically excellent, culturally competent and socially conscious physicians. Mission:Spartans for Service was created with four goals in mind: to serve as a resource for connecting students with community organizations, to bring students together through volunteer opportunities, to support the volunteer needs of local organizations, and to promote excitement in students for recognizing the impact they can have in their communities. Mission:The MSU CHM Urology Student Interest Group (USIG) aims to provide its members ample, collaborative opportunities to learn about the diverse array of clinical, surgical, and research opportunities that one can experience in pursuing a career as a Urologist. Please be aware that our process does NOT guarantee a match to . Below is a short list of student organizations and affinity programs that help create an inclusive environment at MSU. By analyzing peer-reviewed literature, we hope to learn more about the complexities of social media usage from both the physician and patient perspective. Faculty Advisor Kurt Ashack, MD| ashackku@msu.edu, President/OfficerDeena Abdel-Gadir | abdelgad@msu.edu, Vice PresidentDorothea McGowan | mcgowa75@msu.edu, Secretary Cassidy Gardner | gardn262@msu.edu, Faculty Advisor Kurt Ashack, MD, FAAD| Kurt.ashack@gmail.com President/OfficerChristina Druskovich | druskov4@msu.eduDisha Bhargava | bharga15@msu.eduKavya Shivaram | shivara1@msu.eduHenry Zou | zouhenry@msu.edu, Christina Druskovich, Founder, M2 Lead, druskov4@msu.eduKavya Shivaram: M2 Lead, shivara1@msu.eduKaylee Gwyn: M1 Lead, gwynkayl@msu.eduAkash Rau: M1 Lead, rauakash@msu.eduSera Sidhom: M1 Lead, sidhomse@msu.edu, Aldana Garcia: M3 Lead,garci560@msu.eduSarah Shareef: M3 Lead,shareef1@msu.edu. Further, members will be assisted in developing the skills necessary for successful application and matching into an Interventional Radiology residency. Faculty Advisor Deanna Wasson-Wilbanks, EdD, MS, LPC, NCC | deanawil@msu.edu President/OfficerShourya Verma | vermasho@msu.eduNeal Doshi | doshine1@msu.edu, Administrative Officer Philip Calhoun | calhou67@msu.edu, Financial officer Danny Bakoz | bakozdan@msu.edu, Outreach OfficerHenry Zou | zouhenry@msu.edu. This will be facilitated by the Student Involvement and Leadership RSO Team. In doing so, we will encourage our future First Gen in Med physicians to lean on their strengths and perspectives to better the delivery of medicine. Through campus involvement, workshops, and community outreach, our mission is to improve the health of LGBTQIA+ patient populations and to take steps to acknowledge and address the injustices that contribute to health disparities in marginalized communities, specifically Black, Indigenous, & People of Color (BIPOC) and trans folks. The Student Information System (SIS) supports students throughout their academic journey at MSU as well as the staff who assist them. Engaged participation in student organizations benefits students growth and education while attending the university. Mission:The primary purpose of CHM Serve is to administer the Pharmacy Assist program at the Care Free Clinic at 1100 West Saginaw Street, Suite 5, Lansing, MI, 48915. In bolstering and uniting community connections while keeping students accountable to the medical profession, it is our goal to enrich the academic, interprofessional, and mental aspects of our education, at MSUCOM. Check out student organizations Fraternity and sorority life Michigan State University has a vibrant fraternity and sorority community. Imagine and reflect upon your life and medical career at the time of retirement. MSU Fdn Crandall Dawn Autio Research Assistant II Research Laboratory RSOs open only to undergraduate students may have an advisor who is a MSU faculty member, staff member, or graduate student. Faculty Advisor Martin Romero, MD FACEP| romerom1@msu.edu, Co-ChairBrianna Sholte | sholtebr@msu.eduNicholas Garnett | garnettn@msu.eduCarolyn Zichichi | zichich1@msu.eduJordan Van Wert | vanwertj@msu.eduDavid Agemy | agemyjac@msu.edu. Residence Education and Housing Services RSOs. It is sponsored by the Michigan State University College of Human Medicine. Mission:The purpose of FMIG of Flint is to develop the family medicine workforce and advance the specialty of family medicine by strengthening current and aspiring medical students to be prepared for and choose to pursue a career in family medicine in the U.S. These activities enhance and support MSU students, the university and the community. Mission:The Asian Pacific American Medical Students Association (APAMSA) at Michigan State University (MSU) College of Human Medicine (CHM) hopes to promote education and engagement in the unique health challenges of Asian and Pacific Islander American (APIA) communities, as well as the sociopolitical issues affecting APIA communities and Asian populations abroad. For more information on these check out this resource: For events, you can RSVP for all events on, Marketing for Registration and Reminders will begin to go out, Affiliated Registered Student Organizations Registration Opens. Our goal is for students to interact and learn from surgeons within our Flint community. They raise funds for students to use towards their careers. We are here to help you register your organization and assist in the process along the way. Faculty Advisor Carolyn Vollmer, MD | carolyn.vollmer@spectrumhealth.org, President/OfficerAnnika Lintvedt | lintvedt@msu.edu, Vice PresidentMichael Knox | knoxmich@msu.edu, Representative Tessa Muench | muenchte@msu.edu. Mission:The mission of the Pediatric Interest Group is to provide educational opportunities for medical students who may be interested in pursuing a career in pediatrics. The Center for Multicultural Engagement and Inclusion (CMEI) is here to help connect you with our student organizations community. AMSA members are medical students, premedical students, interns, residents and practicing physicians. . CHM Serve is responsible for staffing the Pharmacy Assist office on a weekly basis with volunteers, at days and hours determined by the executive board. 26. SNMA programs are designed to serve the health needs of underserved communities and communities of color. Faculty Advisor Terri Zomerlei, MD |tzomerlei@gmail.comDeana Wilbanks, PhD | deanawil@msu.edu, President/OfficerElizabeth Bushong | bushonge@msu.eduViswanath Swamy | swamyvis@msu.eduNoah Elagamy | noahelag@msu.edu. Faculty AdvisorJennifer J Ekkens, DO | ekkensje@msu.eduLisa Lowery, MD | lisa.lowery@helendevoschildrens.org, President/OfficerAshley Caron | caronash@msu.edu, VP Social EngagementMarissa Solorzano | solorzam@msu.edu, VP Academic Success Patricio Ruano | ruanopat@msu.edu, VP Speaker Recruitment Melanie De La Cruz | delacr65@msu.edu, VP Admissions LiaisonTien Hua | huatien@msu.edu, VP Finances and FundraisingElizabeth Martin | mart2565@msu.edu, VP Professional DevelopmentSarah Buhay | buhaysar@msu.edu, VP Community Service and OutreachLaura Hayse | hayselau@msu.edu, VP Undergraduate OutreachKatie Wilk | wilkkati@msu.edu. Faculty Advisor Zakia Alavi, MD| alavizak@msu.edu, President/OfficerBijaya Dhungana | dhungan3@msu.edu, President/OfficerAdrian Maglaqui | maglaqui@msu.edu, TreasurerAnthony Bonilla-Salmeron | bonill21@msu.edu, Faculty Advisor Samuel Lin, MD| samuel.lin@pinerest.org, President/OfficerMichaela Kehoe | kehoemi2@msu.edu, President/OfficerHailey Koh | haileyk@msu.edu, Vice President Rebecca Miller | mill3365@msu.edu. We achieve a united community by providing opportunities to explore cardiology outside of the classroom, connecting students to practicing cardiologists to help them progress their academic portfolios, and providing service to the community at large. Faculty Advisor Kurt Ashack, MD| kurt.ashack@gmail.com, President/OfficerSeraphima Sidhom | sidhomse@msu.edu, VP of NetworkingAkash Rau | rauakash@msu.edu, VP of MarketingJoeita Macfield | macfiel1@msu.edu, VP of Research Luke Laconi | laconilu@msu.edu. In accordance with this view, we establish this Constitution to be our guiding document in all organizational affairs. . Faculty Advisor Wanda Lipscomb, PhD | lipscom3@msu.edu, President/OfficerSravya Emmadi | emmadisr@msu.edu. Broad China Business Society. By striving to convey trust, empathy, and respect to all involved in our program, we hope to instill these values throughout our healthcare system. Faculty Advisor Michelle Loubert, DO | maloubert@gmail.com, Chief CoordinatorPreetha Pamidighantam | pamidig1@msu.edu, Physician Recruitment CoordinatorKeerat Bains | bainskee@msu.edu, Volunteer CoordinatorBen Boudreau | boudre41@msu.edu, Supply Coordinator/TreasurerWilliam Nauam | nauamwil@msu.edu, Communications CoordinatorMitchell Yelton | yeltonmi@msu.edu. Mission:The surgery interest group is aimed at providing medical students the opportunity to get exposure to surgery and its sub-specialties. *Data Source: Post-graduation outcomes and experiences of spring & summer bachelors degree recipients (2018- 2021). Mission:The Ophthalmology Interest Group (OIG) is dedicated to exploring the field of ophthalmology as a surgical subspecialty and providing students with the opportunity to learn about residency and career options. Medical students become aware of opportunities, and participate in activities, related to the field of neurology, including opportunities for research, creating a new generation of neurologists and AAN members. Additional outreach programs and support will be added as needed and possible with the support of Care Free staff and patients. Registered Student Organizations at MSU An MSU RSO is a volunteer group of enrolled students organized to obtain certain goals and objectives. Our goals are to introduce our fellow students to all the amazing things EM physicians do, as well as help develop skills they will need for rotations and beyond. As Chief Operations Officer of Central Health Management (CHM), the focus is on solving the challenges healthcare organizations face in providing quality care while curbing the expense of staffing . Bachelor's degree graduates continue education. Faculty AdvisorDr. Second, you will need to work on the following: ONLY MSU students may be members of the organization, Staff, Faculty, Alumni and Community Members may participate in the organization's activities, Must have an MSU faculty, staff or graduate student Advisor. The fund will be utilized to provide financial resources to Registered Student Organizations (RSO's) so that they can purchase the supplies, food, or resources they need to hold events and bring their communities of Spartans back together. Faculty Advisor Brian Lane, MD, PhD| brian.lane@spectrumhealth.org, Executive Board MemberDennis Boynton | boyntond@msu.eduMerrick Bank | bankmerr@msu.edu. Faculty Advisor Amie Hop | amie.hop@spectrumhealth.orgAryana Sharrak | aryana.sharrak@spectrumhealth.org, President/OfficerAnne Opalikhin | opalikhi@msu.edu, College of Human Medicine only Organization/Group (organization that only exists in the college). Organizations, Interest Groups & Honor Societies. Faculty Advisor Joel Maurer, MD| Joel.maurer@ht.msu.edu, President/OfficerMitchell Yelton | yeltonmi@msu.edu, Vice PresidentAnnes Kim | anneskim@msu.edu, Treasurer Regan Castle | castler1@msu.edu. Faculty Advisor Tyson Burghardt, MD | burghar8@msu.edu, Executive Board MemberLukila Witthoeft | witthoe1@msu.eduMarissa Cox | coxmarri@msu.eduMorgan Block | blockmor@msu.eduLaura Hayse | hayselau@msu.edu. The RSO Team leans on four (4) key theories to ground our work with Registered Student Organizations; Astin's Student Involvement Theory, Tinto's Model of Student Departure, B. Magolda's Theory of Self-Authoriship, and S.R. We also strive to create a friendly, compassionate environment, where students can bond, build relationships with the greater community through outreach, and enjoy a creative outlet outside of the curriculum. Mission:Mission: The purpose of the Gastroenterology Interest Group is to provide CHM students the opportunity to explore the field of Gastroenterology. Faculty Advisor Sath Sudhanthar, MD | sudhanth@msu.edu, President/OfficerKeerat Bains | bainskee@msu.edu, Marketing/Social Media ChairShourya Verma | vermasho@msu.edu, Community Engagement/Event Planning Co-Chair Preetha Pamidighantam | pamidig1@msu.eduSania Farooq | farooqsa@msu.edu, Logistics ChairNabiha Habib | habibnab@msu.edu, President/OfficerDisha Bhargava | bharga15@msu.eduaPatricio Ruano | ruanopat@msu.eduKavya Shivaram | shivara1@msu.eduRima Patel | patelr50@msu.eduLeo Romero-Barajas | romeroba@msu.edu. Activities include, but are not limited to: presentations about pathology residency programs, discussion of pathology practices, review of pathology cases, and interviews with practicing pathologists. Aaryn Richard 517-884-1561 989-627-8334 aarynr@msu.edu This includes diet, sleep, exercise, stress management, and preventative care measures. Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers (SHPE) SAGA - Student Affairs Graduate Student Association. 3) To give medical students a respite from the rigors of medical school and do fun stuff together, from paint nights to film festivals. Reaction score. Mission:The Interventional Radiology Interest Group will facilitate exposure to and foster intrigue in future careers in Interventional Radiology. Scheduled Maintenance LANAMA aims to bring insight to the pressing issue of health disparities and needs of Latino and Native American communities. In addition, SNMA is dedicated both to ensuring that medical education and services are culturally sensitive to the needs of diverse populations and to increasing the number of African-American, Latino, and other students of color entering and completing medical school. The ultimate goal is to provide further awareness of reducing healthcare disparities, preventing disease and injury, and advancing initiatives for public health. To start a new RSO or reactivate an old RSO on campus please follow the four (4) steps below: NOTE: No new RSOs will be able to be formed between 15 April 2022 and 31 July 2022 as the RSO Team prepares for the 2022-2023 year. The Office of Research at CHM offers assistance to students in conducting research, which includes guidance through registration, credentialing, and regulatory steps prior to research, as well as assistance in finding a research mentor.These services are summarized in the steps listed below. We hope to facilitate and develop interests in surgery through direct interaction with various practicing physicians and residents with the hope of informing upcoming students of what a future in surgery may look like. Faculty Advisor Andrea Wendling, MD, FAAFP | wendli14@msu.edu, President (GR)Sydney Brief | briefsyd@msu.edu, President (EL)Gabe Meriwether | meriwet9@msu.edu, Vice President Caleb Wendt | wendtcal@msu.edu, Secretary Megan Sweeney | sween192@msu.edu, Community OutreachLindsay Sandell | sandell5@msu.edu, Event CoordinatorSydney Rechner | rechners@msu.edu. . Council of Racial and Ethnic Students (CORES) Multicultural Student Organizations. IDIG provides an opportunity for MSU CHM students to engage with infectious disease experts and learn from their experiences. Faculty Advisor Hend Azhary | azhary@msu.edu, President/OfficerYasser Almansour | almans26@msu.edu, Vice PresidentDeena Abdel-Gadir | abdelgad@msu.edu, Grand Rapids LiaisonLayla Hak | haklayla@msu.edu. This will be achieved through monthly organized volunteer outings, as well as a platform for sharing information about volunteer opportunities. Our aim is to offer opportunities to learn about the depths of the profession and its connections across a range of other specialties including family medicine, internal medicine, orthopaedics, emergency medicine, PM&R, and beyond. Students will have the chance to attend lectures on topics of special concern to the pediatric population, to network with pediatricians, and to volunteer at events to serve children and their families in the community. SAMS proudly provides dignified medical care to every patient in need. Faculty Advisor Nicholas Yeldo, MD| nyeldo1@hfhs.org, President/OfficerIvana Khreizat | khreizat@msu.edu, Vice PresidentBen Boudreau | boudre41@msu.edu, Treasurer Hussein Mackie | mackiehu@msu.edu, Faculty AdvisorBen Stam, MD| benjamin.stam@apcpc.net Executive BoardHailey Koh | haileyk@msu.eduMckenna Galloway | gallow51@msu.eduHannah Brown | schwa412@msu.eduJon Giolitti | giolitti@msu.eduAakash Dave | daveaaka@msu.edu. News. Timeline: (This does not apply for New RSOs). Mission:Medicine, Film and the Arts seeks to do three things: 1) Offer space for medical students to explore artistic interests of any kind and to explore and engage with difficult or complex subject matter through an arts lens. Faculty Advisor Andrew Heaford, MD| Andrew.Heaford@spectrumhealth.org, President/OfficerHussein Mackie | mackiehu@msu.edu, Vice PresidentYasser Almansour | almans26@msu.edu. Faculty AdvisorSara Elsayed, MD | Sara.Elsayed@mclaren.org, Vice President Berenitze Balladares |balladar@msu.edu. CHM Student Council Michigan State University c/o Office of Student Affairs and Services 234 Division St. N. Grand Rapids, MI 49503. Our goal is to provide early exposure to orthopaedics through education from practicing orthopaedic surgeons and through learning about the process of becoming strong residency applicants. In some instances, an earlier virtual interview may be arranged on or near the day of the applicant's CHM interview. of Human Medicine (CHM), Michigan State University . The MSU Master of Public Health program Workforce Development Committee is charged with helping to meet the professional development needs of the public health workforce in Greater Flint and surrounding areas. Mission:Women's Health Interest Group connects students who have an interest in OB/GYN, reproductive and fertility medicine, pelvic surgery or any other related field with resources and events that allow them to explore these fields. Mission:The Dermatology Interest Group is committed to providing volunteering, networking, mentorship, resources, and research opportunities to medical students interested in a career in dermatology. Mission:The Lifestyle Medicine Interest Group at the Michigan State University College of Human Medicine is dedicated toward delivering evidence-based education regarding the benefits of lifestyle modifications and preventative care on public health outcomes. 180 Degrees Consulting MSU. It is dedicated to promoting the scientific achievements of medical students, teaching principles of peer and article review, and providing editorial, publishing and leadership learning experiences. Helga Toriello, PhD |toriello@msu.edu, President/OfficerKetan Brodeur |brodeur3@msu.edu, President/OfficerAyesha Kothari:ayeshako@msu.edu, VP Social EngagementAruna Jain |jainaru1@msu.edu, VP AdministrationAlyssa Gill |gillalys@msu.edu, VP Community OutreachKimberly Sam |ksam@msu.edu, VP Education CoordinatorSeraj Farhat |farhatse@msu.edu, VP FinancesMerrick Bank |bankmerr@msu.edu, VP Recruitment CoordinatorKen Dada |dadaken@msu.edu, VP Event CoordinatorJustin Tran |tranjust@msu.edu. Mission:To promote vascular-related research and service activities to students earlier in their medical career, provide students with early exposure to surgery, and assist students as they seek valuable career mentorship. Latino Law Society at Michigan State University College of Law. Mission:This club will serve to help inform medical students of the influence and complexities of business related information on healthcare. We are therefore committed to promoting service, increasing responsiveness and developing plans to help raise awareness towards the needs of these communities. Mission:The mission of the Sports Medicine Interest Group is to provide information and education to medical students about the world of sports medicine from experts in the field. Mission:The goal American Medical Society Sports Medicine Medical Student Interest Group (AMSSM MSIG) is to serve as a national interest group for medical students interested in sports medicine with opportunities to engage in interactive discussions with students and physicians from around the country presented via an online platform. Mission:The mission of the rural health interest group is to educate, facilitate, promote, advocate, and support current and future rural physicians. An MSU RSO is a volunteer group of enrolled students organized to obtain certain goals and objectives. Fax: (703) 742-4239. Furthermore, we aspire to serve local families through a network of medical students and physicians by providing resources for the recently resettled. Mission:Our purpose is to support and cultivate community among the MSU CHM first-generation students in medicine. Organizations at MSU as well as the staff who assist them leaders in all areas Medicine... 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