Will she heal? We start testing tomorrow. Lillian said before walking out the door with a smirk on her face. This isnt you! Lena said laughing softly. After failing to stop Malcolm Merlyns plan Starling City was destroyed and in the wake Star City is born from the ashes, with crime rising and a new threat coming to the city to keep a promise that was made can Oliver and Sara keep up or will all their efforts come crumbling down. When a new threat attacks National City, the president makes a hasty decision that endangers Supergirl. You already were feeling dizzy from what the man had done to you already. #superhero. i have a request, okok hear me out so Lena and reader are dating and r gets kidnapped. The solution was under our noses this whole time. Kara is shocked when she sees the pianist in the video and even more so when she gets a reply. On a world where the multiverse is well known criminals try to escape to another world to get away. You couldnt have known Lena. I want to die" Kara sniffled. You waited till the door shut behind her to speak. You both were hurt by theaters actions but you also understood why the other had done what they did. You didnt see her beginning to get frustrated as you continued to rant at her. You both kept repeating the process until your back met the wall. Kara looked up at you with a smile that quickly dropped when she saw the murderous look in your eyes directed at Lena. I just I wasnt sure if you knew. Her ankle must be really hurting if Alex is crying. After that day Lena would always stop by to visit you. Most importantly though she should have never given you a reason to distrust her to begin with. Now if she could only gain the courage to tell (Y/N) about the feelings she had begun to develop for them. I I dont know what to do. You were trying to calm yourself down though. She had been hoping she would be able to hold onto this little secret for awhile longer but she knew there had been a chance she would have to tell you in order to get you to join her. At least you had thought they were directed at you until you finally decided to confront some people about it. (Y/N)! "No, Kara. Kara has a four year old daughter, and only recently has met Lena Luthor. Nothing is happening between me and Lena (Y/N). Alex likes Kyle,Johnnie and Jordan,Kyle likes Alex,Johnnie likes Shannon,Shannon likes Johnnie and Tyler and Jordan likes Alex more I just don't want to do this part Sort of. Kara turned to look at Lena. It seemed like you might be winning and then J'onn came out of nowhere again. Requests are still open. You had no idea where you would go or what you would do. She wasnt the only one suffering from the loose of you. YOU LEFT ME ON MY OWN! You began to feel confused if they thought you were a danger and went through the trouble of strapping you down why wouldnt they at least put one guard in here with you? She may have painted me as this horrible mother but I do care for her just in my own way. I'm okay, let's just get you to your bed." You opened your eyes and standing in front of you was Supergirl. Kara has never really believed in them though, not until this very moment. no ones POV: it'. This is just a nice little one-shot I did a while back. She just smirked down at you and didnt answer. You knew you wouldnt be able to take all of them but it didnt matter. You had a feeling though that she was spending time with a certain blonde haired reporter and didnt want you to know. Welcome to Supergirl, a Star War now i know this is not a story but its IMPORTANT so pls try to ready. All you needed to do now was figure out what powers you had. A storm approaches National City, and Kara wants to share something special with Lena. I actually helped out slightly on that project with Lena. It was karaoke night at the Alien Bar. I cant believe that a group of some of the best scientist couldnt figure out what had been going wrong in these subjects. (Y/N) darling please. You knew you wouldnt be able to step back into this apartment once you left. Alex says, "Natalie, let's put your leg up on this coffee table here.". She looked you up and down and then just smiled. And somehow Lena being sick gets her a girlfriend. You couldnt believe it. Lena is not turning "evil" like she did in the show. Kara has to take care of her. The dresser draws that had held your clothes were all pulled open and empty. Malcolm, Denise, Jon, Tegan, Sarah, Jordan and Kara are in school trying to calm her down they see Jimmy and Siobhan in the hallway wondering what they are planning to do they walk over to them when she is talking to Malcom, Denise, Jon, Tegan, Jordan and Sarah Jimmy uses Kryptonite gas on her then Siobhan stabs and cuts her hand with a Kryptonite dagger Will Kara be weak, powerless and unconscious? The owners said it had been there all week. supergirl origins Adventure Plot Slow Burn In the sleepy town of Riverrush, Lena, seeking a reprieve from the noise and bustle of the city, meets a stranger. The last time. It was also unclear if you had the same weaknesses as they did. She was worried for you. Dont listen to her (Y/N). And dont think I return the feelings, She looked up at you, her eyelashes fluttering as the blush on her face became even more noticeable. "How are you feeling?" J'onn asked. Its going to be ok Lena. Now more than ever you wanted to take Supergirl down. She had waltzed into your life and slowly helped you pick up every piece. I don't fall asleep, at least not yet. There's only one way Cat will get the truth from Kara. Do you need something? I tried looking for you everywhere. Each part will be centered around different characters - that's right multiple POVs. You grabbed a duffel bag and began to pack up all of your clothes. alexdanvers, melissabenoist, samaris. "I hope Snapper undersdands. She's not the same Kara she was before the Phantom Zone, she's not the person she was before her fight with Lena anymore. I feel kind of worse". You couldnt feel anything except hate towards her if you were going to continue on with the next step. You slipped it off quickly walking back towards Lenas desk. Full of needs and desires and wants and With the thought of Krypton's destruction in her brain, Kara finds that life is determined to throw you curveballs whether you are ready for them or not. Lena is a concert pianist and Kara is an actress famous for playing Supergirl, they date. Lena slowly cut back on her drinking but she was still obsessed with finding you. But I won't allow that. You could feel the anger trying to control you. You opened your mouth to say something again but nothing was able to come out. The woman you considered your older sister. You didnt want to hurt Lillian after all you thought she was just trying to help you. As soon as you could figure out what had caused the past subjects to fail then you could fix it and once it was fixed you could have your revenge. Lena is a transgender businesswoman seeking her own Pride while Kara is an anxious girl who has never stopped seeking justice for her lost first love. How long will she be powerless? It seemed like every lead they found though lead to another dead end. Kara dogged out of the way. She didnt do anything to you so no need to be snappy with her. Kara walked over to you an laid a hand on your shoulder. She leaves behind a heartbroken Lena who finds out she is pregnant. Once Upon A Solar Flare- A Supergirl Fanfic (COMPLETED) Fanfiction When Kara blows out her powers she will do anyhing to get them back. That's final." Said Alura as she left the room. Was she even the only one or did you have multiple girls? Alex immediately took her into her arms. YOU ABANDON ME AND OUR RELATIONSHIP AND DONT EVEN HAVE THE GUTS TO END THINGS WITH ME! You had begun speaking slightly below yelling and ended up screaming at Lena. Maggie decides to go for the Danvers who holds her heart since college; Kara Danvers. Her eyes quickly open and she looks frantically around. I would love to join you and help CADMUS in anyway that I can. you told her honestly. I dont know what Lillian told you or what she did to you but I know this isnt you. Yet here you were again. You didnt let that stop you though. Lena and Kara are not quite friends yet, more so acquittances. This is my take on what happens after Alex proposes to Maggie. There she was. You had thought that you were finally moving on from Lena. If you had any doubt that Kara wasnt in there with your fiance they were erased now. Should I? Honesty and so far Lillian Luthor was the only person to give it to you. That isnt an excuse though. She had never lied to you in the past. Now you just needed a test subject and you knew there was only one person it should be. The pain would be too much. She had no idea where to look for you next. She didnt smile or wave back at you like she always did with all the citizens. 6 aos despus, Kara conoce a Lena Luthor en una entrevista. Legend has it that on the night of the red moon, hell itself will release Cerberus to help this being to rediscover his love and the sky will illuminate the path that should have been traveled centuries ago. #karadanvers You would do anything to show him that you could be trusted out of this cell though so you explained to him everything. I cant just let you out (Y/N). You never were good at keeping your thoughts as just thoughts so as soon as you opened your mouth what came out sarcastically with just a hint of your hidden pain and jealousy was. Im so sorry for everything. Also, Kara is a trans woman. How did she know what had happened between you and Lena already? That is not the problem. Just please dont leave me please. You could hear her beg and even though every single minuscule movement hurt you forced yourself to turn your head to face her and reach out your hand to her. After the cab dropped you off and you entered Lenas penthouse you went to the bedroom to get out of the fancy outfit you had to wear to the gala. Soon she would have the perfect Kryptonian killing machine in the palm of her hand. Alex falls in love with Kara. How about you start with how long you had been going behind my back and fucking Kara. You still tried to be the supportive understanding person you had always been for Lena but you were slowly getting to the end of your rope. If anything happened to you she would never forgive herself. We have begun to try and figure out how one might fuse alien DNA, specifically Kryptonian DNA, with human DNA. Yet everyday you would always plaster that smile on your face and put on an act for everyone. NO! She ran over to you collapsed onto her knees beside you. You did everything you could to cooperate so that you could leave. Today was an amazing day for photos. After that day Lena began to spiral down. You couldnt just join an organization like CADMUS without there being severe consequences. You were ok. She pulled back and kissed you. Supergirl took one look at the people around her before taking off her hadnt still wrapped around your neck. "Kara," Alex yelled as she watched her sister fall to the ground after she used her heat vision to destroy a robot that was threatening National City. I hope she was worth it Kara. You said knowing that she would hear you. You need to leave right now Lena. hi, i'm Kalex. You smiled at her and waved. You rubbed your eyes in frustration as you heard a knock on your door and heard Lena say. Will she hallucinate when she's off it? Kara is out there looking for them right now along with J'onn. It never came. Just a perfect example of kindness, affection, forgiveness. Can she continue her job as supergirl, and can anyon Willow Greene was the last to escape to Earth from her planet as it was destroyed. I just have a quick question. You could feel her pouring all of her emotions into the kiss. You held onto her as tightly as you could. You scoff and run you fingers through your hair. You had no idea where you would go you just knew it would be as far as possible from her. The classic Lena gets sick and Kara finds out so she goes to take care of her for the day, requested by anon on tumblr, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply, Major Character Death, No Archive Warnings Apply, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (9), Lena Luthor Knows Kara Danvers Is Supergirl (4), Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Lena Luthor Knows Kara Danvers Is Supergirl, Alternate Universe - Power Rangers Fusion, Alex Danvers & Kara Danvers Sibling Feels, Kara Danvers Doesn't Know Kara Danvers is Supergirl, Lena Luthor Finds Out Kara Danvers is Supergirl, maybe it was bad (but can I make it better? Kara's patience runs out with Lena's workaholism, and she gives the Luthor a piece of her mind, along with her insecurities and doubts about the relationship. Please consider turning it on! They hurt just like Lena did and now they were hurting even more because it was like they had to watch as Lena destroyed herself. I dont know Ms. Luthor. She says as she places her hand on my forehead. She should have never cancelled her dates with you for Kara or Supergirl. Lena couldnt help but worry about you. You had once thought that you and Lena could make it through anything. You used your super speed to put on your suit and made your way to where Lillian was waiting for you outside of the building. Kara didnt waste anytime and knocked him out with one hit. You changed into a sweatshirt and sweatpants. You would do anything for that woman. You sighed as you heard her walking closer to you. Her eyebrows furrowed when she averted her gaze to your bleeding arm, taking off her beloved snood as she gently wrapped it around the clothed wound. Lena no dijo nada mientras Kara se iba lejos con una ltima mirada en rojo. They all belong to the CW. You could hear sniffles from Enid as she picked up the stack of books and headed in your direction. Shes quieter than Miss Rojas, softer, perhaps almost as shy as Kara had been when she was first brought home. You had a feeling though if you walked into her office and Kara was there that plan would fly out the window. Maybe you should give her a chance to explain herself. Whats going on? You hadnt even heard Kara come in. You had once asked Lillian if Lena had even tried looking for you. When we finally get into my bedroom we both immediately sit down on my bed. I wont attack unless absolutely necessary. You say. Apparently she didnt know about all the cancelled dates and lunch meetings between you and Lena. You didnt see her collapse as the sobs overwhelmed her body. It was still best to stay away from it though. Lena Luthor no es tan dramtica, pero es igual de mortal y estn bien cada una sin verse de frente. It was terrifying. Angst ensues, and then Kara has to go be at Barry Allen's wedding to be his wedding singer. Will she defeat Siobhan and Tal? Not all one-shots will be connected. The pain in her eyes haunting you. You walked out of the lab intent on somehow finding Lillian when you saw a CADMUS agent walking your way. I slowly nod my head as Alex helps me stand up. His eyes widened and he nodded quickly. As the two woman move forwards in their lives, each accepting the legacies given to them, they start to see the deeper beauty in each other and what the other means to them. Has she mentioned anything about this to you? Lillian was curious to see how much you knew and if what you knew could help CADMUS in their endeavors. Cat Grant forced Kara to leave work because she was sick. Just being, no rush, no worry, no responsibility. These are my four sisters Madeline, Alexandria, Gina-marie, and Gabriella. (Y/N), those looks arent for you theyre for the Luthor. You frowned slightly before looking at them. Remember (Y/N) dont attack first. It brought a small smile to your face. She leans back on my bed and lets out a breath in pain. She hesitated to come, so she decided to just stayed at home. You didnt know where you were going or what you were going to do. After what had happened in Lenas office you disappeared. You didnt want to be a secret. You can have that back. You quickly jogged up to her. She had just started taking on more projects herself and was even partnering with Supergirl occasionally now. NO! All of your clothes were still in your car and it had been sitting in the parking lot of a diner for the past week. Part of the Millma Verse. It had started a couple months ago. No, it wasn't a miracle it was supergirl, it was Kara. No One. tip: austen words:10000-50000 sort:title. I put a hand over my mouth and frantically look around for a trash can. Once she landed there she took you to one of the cells with Kryptonite emitters. Work Search: Please dont hurt them please. Lena begged the man as tears began to fill her eyes. She may very well have lost you forever because of her own careless actions. What they were. You put your hands against the glass and gave her a sad smile as you felt the tears running down your face. We know it isnt. Im going to take a shower and when I get out I want you gone. Lena looked shocked like she had expected last night to solve everything. The beginning of Sarada Uchiha's journey in the world of Naruto. Wait please no don..AHHHHHHH!! I know more about this than anyone else here. You seem lost, can I help you? She asked you. Kara In-Ze, better known as Supergirl and also as Kara Kent, is the last daughter of Argo, sister planet to Krypton. Kara would forget to call because she got caught up in conversation with Lena. You told me you were fine!" As her sobs began to slow and the tears began to flow from her eyes slower she stood up. I love her and you took her away from me. Yet you couldnt help but feel like you were competing against Supergirl and Kara for your fiances time and affection. You quickly shook it off. Kara learns that her whole world has changed with the change of her world combining with every other. When Alex is severely injured during an attack on an event she's attending with Alex, it brings Kara's true feelings to the surface. A harrowing incident forces Kara to rediscover herself and buried emotions come to the surface. That was all it took for Lena to breakdown. You did the same. "When will this end?" As we're walking I look over and notice a pained expression on her pale face. You had lasted longer than any of the pervious subjects. You heard people yelling and screaming. The secret of who is who under the mask is coming out whether the heroes like it or not. The thrilling tension between you and Wednesday, only increased dramatically as the door shut behind the both of you. She made it. Everything was going according to her plan. But people need you. I can help you if they are. Kara says. She had shook her head no and told you how sorry she was that you had been played by her daughter. She had tried to think about what to say to you but ultimately she knew there was no excuse that could explain the way she had been acting towards you. Everyone else gave you guys space knowing how much you both needed it right now. It didnt matter where they sent you, but the farther the better. 08.07.2020 | by . Yet you can do nothing to put a stop to it because no one ever knows you two are together. Today though, you were going to go to Lenas office and demand that you have this long overdue talk. I say breathlessly after I finish vomiting. You just needed a little extra nudge to push you over the edge. Your softened expression just now tells me otherwise. I know when Im not wanted. Pain, overwhelming and inflamed, and numbness. They had found you just in time. You are still hurt with what Lena did and you keep on ignoring her. You are better than this! Kara Danvers works twice as hard to get half as far as her human counterparts. Im just going to head home. You helped anchor the true me, the one that is able to flourish and thrive now.. I immediately lie down on the couch and close my eyes. All the broken promises! An audio recording of the work written by bzarcher. Lena's sick and stubborn, Kara's doing reporter stuff, Alex is fed up. Single mother Kara Danvers, reporter at CatCo, has been looking forward to finally get an interview from Lena Luthor. Why do you ever come to these Galas anymore? You sigh and shake your head. That was an extremely difficult task because since that night Lena had been coming around more often. You didnt want to listen to her but you couldnt help but think she was right. The high school, football, murder mystery au where Kara is the star quarterback and Lena is the cheerleader. You both knew that you would still need to talk to each other but for right now you were both okay with just holding each other tightly. You understood why Kara had begun running to her. You wanted to be able to shout your love for Lena from the roof tops, but every time you tried to talk to her about going public with your relationship she always had some new excuse ready. I dont hold it against you. What had Lillian done to you she wondered. What if Kara had known all along that Lena hadn't truly forgiven her? She says as she slowly pushes herself off of the door frame. What do you want? Lena heard the man chuckle after she asked him. Im so sorry for everything. Im just the middle man.. You had almost hurt Alex. Is there a problem? This is a companion kind of thing to a fanfic I'm currently working on! She should have never lied to you about what she was doing. I quickly get up and run over to the trash can. The drive there gave you some extra time to try and think about how you wanted to approach this. You got out of your car and slowly walked into the building making your way through security. Not the same way Kara had but Lena could understand that pain better than you would ever be able to. Kara had always been everything you had ever wanted. Lena could feel her heart shatter as she picked up your engagement ring you had slammed down onto her desk. Lena tried to ignore her fear and panic at that as she heard your soft whimpers. Stories mostly about the Danvers sisters, non romantic. Kara's world now existed between two lines. This would just be another broken promise from her. Hopefully you all are happy with the way it ended because this is the last part of the mini series. I heard you may have made a huge breakthrough in the DNA fusion project. you nodded you head after she had finished talking. And, well, what if you found out from Lena and reacted in front of her? I think Im done here. Give it to Kara since shes obviously the one you want to be with. You told Lena, completely missing the look of shock on Supergirls face, as you turned back around walking out of Lenas office slamming the door behind you. You had given up everything to be with the woman you loved and she repaid you by jumping into bed with Kara Danvers and potentially with Supergirl too. Karas eyes widened and your hands balled up into fists. Supergirl fanfiction kara broken arm. I manage to walk over to the couch and sit down next to her. karamel. I know how deeply you care for my daughter and that you dont want to hurt her. I forgod to dell her!" Kara cried, she struggled to get up and rush to the phone but Mon el forced her to lie down again. We need to talk (Y/N) about what you said at the gala. Lena said as she took a seat beside you slipping off her heels. Set a few years in the future, this will pick up after the show ends. Natalie then takes the seat Kara pointed to, with Alex holding onto her until the young girl is seated, not wanting her to lose balance in her leg again, and hurt herself further. You would rather take your chances with her right now than with Lena. Sam just closed the door and led Lena over to the couch sitting down with her and holding her. She calmly rubs my back as I continue throwing up. She wanted to make this all go away, yet she knew she couldnt. She was terrified. Right before you hit the ground she caught you by the ankle. Please dont be gone please. she begged to who she wasnt exactly sure. mean while oliver know as arrow is celebrating his victory on the defeat of promethius. A dragon crashes through Lena's office and her loud sneeze almost causes the dragon to kill her, but Alex walks in like a badass and saves the day. This will be the only time, she knows. Where had you been? She may paint me in a bad way but she was always a manipulative and conniving child. Lillian began to say. The police didnt have any better luck than Lena and all your friends had though. There is much fluff. She didnt want to hurt you but you werent giving her much of a choice. Well, unfortunately for everyone else. Its kind of like a breath of fresh air. Lena told you before turning around and heading in the direction she had just come from. Humans are just so fragile.. You had only been taking pictures for about 30 minutes when Supergirl herself had landed in front of you. Had slammed down onto her as tightly as you could feel her pouring all of?! Herself off of the best scientist couldnt figure out what powers you had thought that you hear. 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