Let us knowin the comments below. That's right, we take our cured meats very seriously in Virginia. The wording of the towns barbershop permit law indicates that the permit will be revoked if youre caught operating without a permit. Sorry. I wouldnt be in school right now if it wasnt for Jacob and his team. One of the weirdest laws in California is that you cant take a car out of the state if you are only driving it in your own neighborhood. The lawsuit was filed in federal court in California, in which the man was suing the state for being an abusive and unconstitutional government. Youll have a good laugh at some of the following weird laws in Virginia. But many people dont know that there are several outdated and weird laws in Virginia. Demanding that motorists carry an auto insurance coverage plan makes sense: if youre involved in an accident, the insurance policy will cover the cost of damages, even if you personally cant afford to. But some dumb laws, like one in Virginia, take this one step further. Or, maybe you know of some other fun facts about Virginia? In Prince William County, the laws state you may not have a pet skunk. Cheating in Virginia isn't just wrong, it's a crime. Ranging from schools to certain government buildings, there are places which you legally cannot go during certain time periods. Ultimately, however, they still have to refer unpaid accounts to a lawyer for litigation. Don't you think? Even if you are not driving and the person driving is drunk you will both get DUIs in Virginia Beach, VA. As long as you beat her on the steps of the courthouse and its before 8:00pm. No shit? Production, publication, sale, possession, etc., of obscene items. WebDumb Virginia laws, clean, updated often, and filtered for the best quality. What Does Life in Prison Actually Mean in Virginia? Did you know that you can't hunt whales in Utah? Many of these regulations dictate when you may do these activities. WebWEST VIRGINIA Dumb State Laws It is illegal to snooze on a train. If any person profanely curses or swears or is intoxicated in public, whether such intoxication results from alcohol [or drugs]he shall be deemed guilty of a Class 4 misdemeanor., Futher, this code section states that if an officer catches you swearing in public, while drunk, they can either arrest you or transport you to a detoxification center in lieu of arrest.. As an additional note of interest, the Virginia Code groups this law with other miscellaneous code sections. Do you have information you want to share with HuffPost? One example is Richmond, where its illegal to flip a coin to determine who pays for coffee. 1. WebIn Virginia, it's illegal to "hunt or kill any wild bird or wild animal, including any nuisance species" on Sundays. No sexual relations for single people. It is illegal for a woman to drive a car up Main Street unless her husband is walking in front of the car waving a red flag. "Frankly it wouldn't hurt to enforce them more." Its illegal to cuss about another person (Prince William County). Oral sex is often considered sodomy by many states, according to the Hebrew Bible. WHY? (Belofsky) There are several others! Paying a $50 monthly premium compared to thousands of dollars in property damage seems like a fair trade off. As one interesting case of this, the Virginia Code has an entire section which makes it illegal to trespass on a cemetery at night. The one whose polite note read, Make sure the money doesn't BLOW UP ON MY WAY OUT followed by a winkie-face emoticon? What are some other illegal things in Virginia? The only catch is that he showed up for court in a stolen car. WebStupid Laws in Virginia Virginia Virginia Swearing at someone over the phone in virginia is punishable by a $100 fine. In 2011, an 18-year old North Stafford man crawled into the local Walmart in full cow costume. This includes hunting with a gun, bow, dogs, or any other weapon. Needless to say, license plates are not hard to trace. (Repealed), You cannot sell lettuce on Sunday, but you can sell beer, wine etc. OnlyInYourState may earn compensation through affiliate links in this article. Fornication. When the speed limit is less than 25mph, or less than 35mph, and if youre crossing at a traffic light. WebHere's the law that prohibits unmarried persons from having sex. Strange Law 4: In Waynesboro, Virginia, it is illegal for a female motorist to drive her car along Main Street unless her husband is walking in front of the vehicle waving a red flag in his hands. To give it back to the person who will keep it for you, they will have to give you the car keys. Review personalized quotes, select coverages, and buy online - Everything insurance, all-in-one-place. And there you have itsome of Virginias finest criminal minds at work. One can only hope being incredibly dumb is a crime in Prince William. Whether you think the law is dumb or there are just dumb laws, you can't deny that legislation sometimes goes a bit too far. But legal observers have come to this interpretation. Then theres Virginia Beach, where an intoxicated passenger can be charged with DUI. DELAWARE: It's a Click here to read about the weirdest places you can possibly go in the great state of Virginia. And no, I'm not talking about light bulbs. Louisiana, Alabama and Georgia have laws that explicitly prohibit the sale of obscene devices, defined as any object useful primarily for the stimulation of human genital organs.. specific places that you should avoid trespassing on. This one is considered illegal in Culpepper. Crime is never a good life choiceI think we can all agree on that. One law that definitely isnt strange and needs to be followed is the states auto insurance law. Jacob graduated from the University of Richmond School of Law and was accepted to the Virginia Bar in 2012. The same goes for taking a car to a rental car lot. After hearing the repeated honking (why, Brian? It is illegal to flip a coin in a restaurant to see who pays for a coffee. Required fields are marked *. A state with a really weird law was California. It is legal for a man to beat his wife on the courthouse steps so long as it is before 8:00 pm. It's very much against the law there. Not destroying the earth is good. This chapter covers moral crimes ranging from gambling to animal cruelty, and also includes a section which outlaws both profanity and public intoxication. FindLaw.com Free, trusted legal information for consumers and legal professionals, SuperLawyers.com Directory of U.S. attorneys with the exclusive Super Lawyers rating, Abogado.com The #1 Spanish-language legal website for consumers, LawInfo.com Nationwide attorney directory and legal consumer resources. As with many of these laws, there are some exceptions: What this essentially means is that its perfectly legal to hunt on private property as long as you have the permission of the owner. Do you have information you want to share with HuffPost? Women must wear a corsette after sundown and be in the company of male chaperone. Dominoes may not be played on Sunday. WebBirds of the prey include broad-winged hawks, osprey, and barred owls. Do you know how hard it is to find a lawyer that you can trust? Yes, this law is still enforced. Steven Depolo/Flickr (Be honest: Have you ever caught a mouse without a hunting license?) Manners count. Everyones heard of people who receive life in prison as punishment for their crimes. The one with the Salt Lake that can pretty much only sustain algae and brine shrimp? A lifelong Virginia resident, Beth loves exploring different parts of the world and currently resides in Alexandria. Of course, golf carts dont belong on the highway. Both men were in custody by the next day and charged with breaking and entering, grand larceny and, my favorite only because someone must have gotten a laugh out of this one -- wearing a mask in public. When it comes to strange things about Virginia, there are quite a few, such as its the birthplace of fraternities andstreaking. WebDriving in circles is against the law. Code 18.2-365 still provides that "any person, being married, who voluntarily shall have sexual intercourse with any person not his or her spouse shall be guilty of adultery, punishable as a Class 4 misdemeanor.". Just so were clear, no, you can drive your car wherever you want, but you will be breaking laws that dont exist because of this. We are grateful to everyone at Tingen Law for helping us with our trademark registration, they are professional and efficient. You always look for a way to help your clients. Its against the law to tickle a girl under her chin with a feather duster in order to get her attention. The dye pack had been put in with the money and was exploded with a remote allowing police to later identify the stolen money. The best hidden gems and little known destinations - straight to your inbox. Nonetheless, their long existence and lawmakers hesitancy to revoke them illustrates Virginia's antiquated legal opinions on private matters. Thankfully the Supreme Court rejected his application and the legislature repeal of the bill made the issue moot. It is illegal to use the telephone to either sell things or raise funds. For example, when you had to declare your income for taxes, some states had weird laws about how much you had to declare but others didnt. Get your auto insurance Virginia quotes today when you visit CoverHound. Dyllan Naecker, 29, was hiding out in Bluefield after fleeing Maryland where he was wanted as a registered sex offender, when his girlfriend, Samantha Dillow decided to help out. Violators of this law will be guilty of a Class 3 misdemeanor. Children are technically not supposed to go trick-or-treating on October 31st. This is the Fairfax Police with a message for Travis Snyder. You know what dumb laws make us smarter? In some ways that just isn't true. Sodomy's Legal In Virginia, But Guess What's Still Prohibited? The statute enumerating "obscene items" doesn't make clear that vibrators and their ilk are prohibited. WebStrange laws. Its illegal to tickle women. Other interests include hiking, songwriting, and spending time in the mountains. WebBike Laws - US Motorcycle Laws By Elitespark, LLC. A number of books and websites purport to list dumb laws. Specifically, setting a trap that uses any firearm or similar deadly weapon that can be discharged using a string, wire, etc. Peregrine falcon is the endangered bird species in this state. Animal Welfare Editor, The Huffington Post. When Dominyk Antonio Alfonseca (shown above) posted his latest bank transaction to Instagram in May 2015, he had some sort of logic on his side, just not the kind that holds up in court. In this article, well explore what this actually means in Virginia. Strange laws, also called weird laws, dumb laws, futile laws, unusual laws, unnecessary laws, legal oddities, or legal curiosities, are laws that are perceived to be useless, humorous or obsolete, i.e. Apparently, Morris was going big or going home. reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and The Virginia Code criminalizes the removal of such transmitting devices as a crime against property. State Proving to be a good decision, Virginia is one of the nations top tobacco producers. Surprisingly, the Virginia Code includes many sections which outline specific places that you should avoid trespassing on. If you practice law without a license, youll be guilty of a Class 1 misdemeanor. WebThe laws in California, which are pretty dumb, are a result of a case where a man filed a lawsuit stating that he had an accident in California. For the purposes of this section, "distribute" shall mean delivery in person, by mail, messenger or by any other means by which obscene items as defined in this article may pass from one person, firm or corporation to another. In 2003 the United States Supreme Court held that states cannot ban private non-commercial sex between consenting adults. By entering your email and clicking Sign Up, you're agreeing to let us send you customized marketing messages about us and our advertising partners. You may be smart, and you may have strong opinions, but you cant go around giving legal advice for a living or practicing law unless youre a lawyer. WebMeriting its own state law, crawfish theft in excess of $1,500 can land the offender with up to ten years prison time or a $3,000 fine. What are your thoughts on these weird laws in Virginia? Its illegal to spit, expectorate or deposit any sputum, saliva or any form of saliva or sputum.. Fuckers! Sorry, Willie, but welfares not going to cover those court costs. Albany It is illegal to use the telephone to either sell things or raise funds Richmond You must buy a license for 93 cents to sell song books on the When a man in Virginia Beach was charged with auto theft, he knew that his best hope for leniency was to follow the rules. Even though Anna has lived other places, somehow Virginia is where she always seems to land. You can still hunt on Sundays if you have both (1) written permission from the landowner, and (2) youre not hunting within 200 yards of a place of worship. One of the men also cut his hand on the beer cooler, leaving behind DNA, in addition to fingerprints since neither of the men was wearing gloves. Whats the Difference Between Trespassing and Breaking and Entering? WebA lot of dumb laws prohibit certain activities on Sunday--lawmakers probably hope you'll go to church. We have implemented precautionary and preparedness measures to reduce exposure to the coronavirus and are prepared to maintain normal business operations. A person of color may not be oustide or within the city limits after 7 pm. But some dumb laws, like one in Virginia, take this one step further. However, the settlers were forced to switch gears when a fungus killed all the trees that the silkworms fed on. The state of New Hampshire has a population of 1,359,711 and annual population growth of 0.4% over the five years to 2019 which ranks 24 out of all 50 US states. (Unless specifically stated, the images shown below are representative of the story only and are in no way connected to the criminals or crime scenes themselves.). prohibits unmarried persons from having sex, struck down by the Virginia Supreme Court, a misdemeanor to have sex with someone other than your spouse, then-state Sen. Cuccinelli's support of this law, prohibits saying nasty things over the phone, don't swear, especially if you're drunk, in public, new efforts to place children in loving homes. This law is not unique to Virginia, as many other states also recognize the danger this action poses to the public. There are lots of fun facts about Virginia, including the fact that a fungus led to its foray into tobacco production. Another Virginia Beach bank robber wasnt so polite. While it may sound obvious, traps which use deadly weapons are illegal in Virginia. Here's a 2012 case in which the Virginia Supreme Court found that the law was properly applied against a man who said some pretty awful things over the phone to the woman he'd been having an affair with, after that woman said some unpleasant things to his wife, causing, as the court notes, "a great deal of animosity.". Dumb Virginia Laws. Love Virginia? Most relevant here, it is illegal to hunt on Sundays in Virginia, unless youre hunting a raccoon. Dont flip a coin in a restaurant to see who pays! There are several other illegal things in Virginia that will have you scratching your head. The original settlers intended for Virginia to be a silk colony. It is also unlawful to drive by the same place within 30 minutes on Atlantic Avenue. Terms of Service apply. Oh but wait! 18.1- 363.1 Working or transacting business on Sunday (a.k.a Sunday Closing Laws or Blue Laws) According to this law, the state would basically shut down on Sundays. Meantime, Virginia law prohibits folks from well, here's the law: 18.2-374. If you own a car, and you dont want to own it anymore you can give it to a charity, but the charity has to give it back to you when you take it out of the charitys hands. While all the laws were written by the same person, there are some really weird ones that you need to know about. At FindLaw.com, we pride ourselves on being the number one source of free legal information and resources on the web. Remember, kids. Virginia is for prudes, according to the state's blue laws. Despite that, Virginia laws still seem to uphold the institution of marriage. The lawsuit was filed in federal court If you are in your own neighborhood, you can take it out of the state, but you have to do so within the boundaries of your neighborhood. (4) Have in his possession with intent to sell, rent, lend, transport, or distribute any obscene item. If you are drunk and not driving your car, and the person who is driving the car is drunk as well, you may both receive DUI's. You may not hunt raccoons within 200 yards of a place of worship. So, here you have it: dumb laws involving animals. The Virginia Code criminalizes the removal of such transmitting devices. New Hampshire Facts Economy. Repeat offenders can be jailed Read More. Of course, these early users didnt yet know about the dangers of radiation. While the laws are stupid, they do give some legal leeway for other reasons. It is illegal for a person to ride on the handlebars of a bike. Strange Law 3: Police are not allowed to use speed radar detectors. Strange law 2: Virginian motorists must honk their horns if they are attempting to pass another vehicle. He has been great for us, the very best. Strange Law 5: In Prince William County, Virginia, it is illegal for a motorist to park their vehicle on a set of railroad tracks. It goes on for miles. Rumor has it that years later, in 1804, George William Crump was the first American college student to be arrested for, you guessed it, streaking. You'll receive your first newsletter soon! You are not allowed to drive past the same location more than once in thirty minutes on Atlantic Avenue in Virginia Beach. is a Class 6 felony in Virginia. Any person who uses obscene, vulgar, profane, lewd, lascivious, or indecent language, or makes any suggestion or proposal of an obscene nature, or threatens any illegal or immoral act with the intent to coerce, intimidate, or harass any person, over any telephone or citizens band radio, in this Commonwealth, is guilty of a Class 1 misdemeanor. It is illegal to skate down the sidewalk of Main Street. The laws in virginia are stupid, but they do give some legal leeway. The best hidden gems and little known destinations - straight to your inbox. ZIP What Happens to Repeat Drug Offenders in Virginia? Use of profane, threatening, or indecent language over public airways or by other methods. Finally, in 2013 a federal appellate court directly held that the Crimes Against Nature law was unconstitutional. Further, such a crime is punishable as a Class 1 misdemeanor, and you may have to pay civil damages to the owner of the device. Only married couples or single persons are allowed to adopt under Virginia law. Web8. This Virginia law prohibits saying nasty things over the phone, and it would appear to cover texts, too: 18.2-427. WebPopular Stupid Laws in the past 30 Days Wife Beating Allowed on Sunday Its illegal to sell cornflakes on sunday Minors arent allowed to buy lighters, but buying rolling papers and tobacco is okay No doggie style allowed! This helped the salesman tell if the shoe was a good fit. Any person, not being married, who voluntarily shall have sexual intercourse with any other person, shall be guilty of fornication, punishable as a Class 4 misdemeanor. You are also agreeing to our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. For instance, its illegal to sell lettuce and peanut brittle on Sundays. In these states, sodomy is only illegal for homosexuals: Montana, Kansas, Oklahoma and Texas. Stupid Laws reports that this stone throwing prohibition is listed in Section 15-53 of the Cumberland penal code. As crazy as it sounds, until last year oral sex of any kind between any two consenting people was illegal. That ban was just lifted in 2013. What, you wanted to be bait? Lets just say its a good thing a lot of these arent strictly enforced. Strange Law 8: In Richmond, Virginia, citizens cannot flip a coin in a dining establishment to see who gets to pay for coffee.Strange Law 9: It is illegal to tickle women. 21 Awesome Famous People You May Not Have Realized Are From Virginia, This Virginia Town Is One Of The Happiest Places In America, Visit The Friendliest Town In Virginia The Next Time You Need A Pick-Me-Up, Here Are 17 Crazy Street Names In Virginia That Will Leave You Baffled, 12 Fascinating Things You Probably Didnt Know About Colonial Williamsburg in Virginia, The Small Cafe, Red Truck Bakery In Virginia Has Pies Known Around The World, Experience A Strange Phenomenon On Gravity Hill In Virginia, This House In Virginia Made Entirely Of Tombstones Is Beyond Eerie. Fill out the form below and well be in touch within 1 business day! When Dennis Wayne Sullivan of Front Royal planned to steal a cash pick-up from the Bowl America in Prince William County, he had it all figured out. You must buy a license for 93 cents to sell song books on the street. The Virginia Code includes many laws which regulate hunting, boating and fishing in the Commonwealth. Even more shocking until an appellate court Ebbin said that while LGBT individuals can currently adopt using placement agencies that do not have stated or written religious or moral objections to homosexuality, he said that the bill's passage could result in any one of the 81 agencies that currently contract with the state adopting a policy or ''conscience clause'' tomorrow that would essentially ban LGBT individuals from becoming foster or adoptive parents. Richmond's Style Weekly told the story of then-state Sen. Cuccinelli's support of this law: Sodomy may have been knocked off the books, but adultery remains, as former Luray Town Attorney John Bushey knows all too well. However, in certain scenarios your attorney can negotiate the charges down to a misdemeanor. 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Michael O'loughlin Lincoln, North American Bird That Sounds Like A Monkey, Articles D